[an error occurred while processing this directive] Last Updated :. October 13, 2003        
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
a b o u t   m e e n t r o p y a c t u a l i t y a r t w o r k p i c t u r e s l i n k s
[an error occurred while processing this directive] Hit CountPeople conned into wasting their bandwidth.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] :. p i c t u r e s

Introduced due to popular demand (from those who can't/don't like to read).

All of the following pictures have been taken using my Olympus Camedia C-5050 zoom camera. The original pictures lie between 3 MB and 5 MB each. They have been scaled down enormously (50 kB - 500 kB) for obvious reasons. I'd love to hear your comments. If for some reason you would like the originals, contact me.

The large sets of pictures have been broken down to smaller sets for those with lower bandwidth. Of course, it goes without saying, I used The GIMP to scale the images. They have not been digitally altered in any other way unless explicitly mentioned. And don't forget, they're released on this license.

Now, you can jump straight to them:

My Favorites
Late Fall 2003, Clouds
Albuquerque Trip 2003
Ann Arbor Art Fair 2003
Miami Trip 2003
Boston Trip 2003 [1, 2, 3]
Late Spring 2003, First Garden Fever
Instant Stalactites

Late Spring 2003, First Garden Fever

Spring was here, I think. The whole place was packed with flowers for about a couple of weeks and I think I missed it :(. Anyway, yesterday was pretty warm and cheerful so I decided to find a few interesting plants that hadn't "shed" their flowers just yet. These are some of them. Actually, I found just one small patch which I really liked, and took many shots of the same thing. I've just posted a few.

Update: Was at my aunts home for the weekend. Since I had missed most of the pretty flowers that bloomed at the beginning of spring in Ann Arbor, I was excited to see the colors in her garden and snapped away. Here are a few of them.

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06.01.03 06.01.03 06.01.03

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