The Future of Teaching
in a Changing World

Eric S. Rabkin
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emeritus,
Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature, and
Professor Emeritus of Art & Design
University of Michigan
Brasilia, 03 August 2015

Teaching is changing in a world of MOOCs, distance learning, and a growing number of tools that facilitate new kinds of learning. Some have forecast the end of the university as we know it, while others see these new tools as an opportunity to extend the reach and influence of elite institutions. What will teaching look like in the years ahead? How will online learning -- in MOOCs or other distance learning courses -- challenge us to change the ways we teach? Let us examine the changing landscape of teaching in higher education, looking at the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of new kinds of teaching and considering what they mean for those who teach in institutions of higher learning.



Genre Evolution Project

Ambiguity course, including Flash Introduction


Think of learning French

When do we need credentials?

The constant assignment

Where are walls of the school? the calendar? the class?
   The pros and cons of customization

Associate Provost for Books
What is a grade?
Distant v Networked Education
MOOCs are Bellwethers
Economics and Institutions of
  (Higher) Education

Real Work Is Better Than Homework
Don't Compensate - Exploit
Define Audience-and-Purpose
Design Carries Meaning