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Velocity Decomposition Approach for 3D Unsteady Flow

The velocity decomposition (VD) solver:

For details of the method, see paper.

setup setup
Computational domain for the VD solver   Reduced domain V.S conventional domain

High fidelity simulation can be done more efficiently and accurately by using the velocity decomposition solver with a greatly reduced domain. Video below shows the LES simulation calculated by the velocity decomposition solver on a reduced domain with the width of about 20% of the ship length.

LES simulation of double-body flow over a 5415 ship hull by velocity decomposition solver

Vortex Induced Vibrations Aquatic Clean Energy (VIVACE) Converter:

The VIVACE converter was invented by Prof. Michael Bernitsas and his students in an effort to extract hydrokinetic energy from water currents in an environment friendly manner. The converter generate energy by utilizing vortex-induced vibrations (VIV), which is a phenomenon due to the vortices generated behind a bluff body and forcing the body to move. For more details, visit VortexHydroEnergy, Marine Renewable Energy Lab .


CFD simulations for VIVACE is very challenging. A mesh motion solver with sliding mesh interfaces between each cylinder is deployed to solve for the fluid solid interaction. Vortex-structure for four cylinders oscillating in tandem is shown below. For details see paper.

Wake vortex-structure for four cylinders in tandem; Re=90,254

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