Cathy's Webpage



My life revolves around the three H's: Homework, Horn, and Horses. Currently, I plan to major in biochemistry to become a doctor or a research scientist. When I am not studying chemistry, I play French horn with the Life Science Orchestra, which is composed of professionals and students in the life sciences (medical students, physicians, researchers).




The other major part of my life is dressage, an equestrian sport. It is fun but quite challenging, which is probably why I enjoy it so much. I try to ride whenever possible (rare these days), and during the summer show period, the barn becomes my second home. In addition of dressage, I have learned english riding and jumping.

A pirouette, dressage movement




A courbette, dressage movement



Favorite Movie Australia
Favorite Artist Salvador Dali
Favorite Book The Once and Future King
Siblings Robert, 26 years old
Hometown Ann Arbor


Dressage freestyle at the 2006 World Equestrian Games

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