Thurston Nature Center Committee
November 21, 1995 meeting minutes, 7:00 PM

Attendees: Jim Breck, Tim Markel, Bill Phillips, Bill Ackerman

1. Upcoming meetings will be:
Jan. 16, Feb. 20, Mar. 19, Apr. 16, May 21, Jun. 11

2. The October meeting was cancelled due to an electrical problem at the school.

3. It was reported that there was a good turnout for the fall workday. Approximately 12 cu. yards of wood chips were moved, and the amphitheater area was cleared of brush. A small chipper was rented for approx. $15, but was too small and too slow.

4. Jim Breck suggested some potential projects for grad students possibly working with Thurston students, such as a water quality study comparing Thurston with other ponds. He will be pursuing potential projects with Bob Grese at U of M.

Minutes prepared by Bill Ackerman

Thurston Nature Center | Committee | Meetings

Thurston Nature Center Committee: Minutes of 11/21/95 Meeting; last revised 5/22/96