Thurston Nature Center Committee
January 16, 1996 meeting minutes, 7:00 PM

Attendees: Jim Breck, Tim Markel, Diana Dyer, Dick Pierce (Clague Science teacher), Bill Ackerman

1. Upcoming meetings will be:
Mar. 19, Apr. 16, May 21, Jun. 11

2. Dick Pierce discussed numerous project possibilities and plans for using the nature center for Clague science projects. Some projects could include taking samples for water quality, water temperatures and sediment. Clague is also taking part in Project Jason 7 and has internet access. A program called GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) was discussed and further information is available via the internet at Dick also reported that Clague has used the TNC for plant identification.

3. Thurston Nature Center is now on the world wide web at

4. A spring workday is planned for Saturday, April 27, 1996. There is the possibility of performing a controlled prairie burn again. This has not been done for quite a while and is needed. Having a burn on the workday might have the benefit of having more help available than usual for the burns.

Minutes prepared by Bill Ackerman

Thurston Nature Center | Committee | Meetings

Thurston Nature Center Committee: Minutes of 1/16/96 Meeting; last revised 5/22/96