Bob's Links and Rants

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Okay, I've got to start watching "Boston Legal"

Most of the promos I've ever seen for the ABC show have featured William Shatner in his underwear, causing me to immediately beam up to another channel. Back in November James Spader's character represented a widow suing the military for her husband's death in Iraq, killed while doing something he wasn't trained to do and without adequate armor. And last night, he represented a woman being tried for tax evasion, and points out that other means of protest have been denied her. In his argument, he covers a wide range of Bush crimes--check it out!

BTW, another good ABC show is In Justice, which week after week gets wrongfully-convicted people out of jail, demonstrating the numerous weaknesses in our "justice" system--bad cops, bad evidence, bad lawyers, bad juries.