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Monday, June 06, 2005

More on Deep Throat

Xymphora lists seven reasons why W. Mark Felt isn't the real "Deep Throat." The most convincing: "It's absurd that the number two guy in the FBI had to meet in underground parking garages with an completely unknown junior reporter for the Washington Post." I mean, wouldn't indicting Nixon have been far more appropriate?

Or, you could just take Felt's word for it:
I don't want to say that I ever claimed to you or anyone that I was Deep Throat. All I know is that he was just a small-time criminal. Well, I was not Deep Throat. There were a lot of other sources involved, but I was not Deep Throat.

The most infuriating reason, given that Felt is being treated as a hero by many, is this:
Kurt Nimmo and Larry Chin point out that Felt was the ringleader of the FBI's COINTELPRO program. Rather than the smiling old man you see on TV, you should regard Felt as easily one of the worst villains in American history. You can't possibly overstate how deeply evil this man is, and how much harm he did to his country.