Spring Stars

Spring Stars are in the east at 10 PM in early March, and in the west at 10 PM in late July. They are not visible at all late September through late December.
Coordinates are epoch 2000.

Constellation Name Description Magnitude RA dec
Bootes Arcturus 4th brightest star; K-type giant; First star observed in daytime -0.04 14h 15m 39.1s 19º 10' 43"
Virgo Spica egyptian pyramids aligned with setting position with more recent pyramids positions corrected for precession.  16 th brightest star. Blue giant 0.98 13h 25m 11.5s  -11º 09' 40"
Leo Regulus On ecliptic: can be occulted by Moon. 21st brightest star; Red companion 1.35 10h 8m 22.2s 11º 58' 1"
Canes Venatici cor caroli blue-yellow dbl nameds for Charles I of England 2.84 12h 56m 1.8s 38º 19' 5"
Cancer M44 (Beehive) open cluster 4.00 8h 40m 27.0s 19º 32' 41"
Hydra M48 open cluster 5.50 8h 13m 48.5s  -5º 47' 19"
Canes Venatici M3 globular cluster 5.90 13h 42m 10.4s 28º 22' 47"
Cancer M67 (King Cobra) open cluster 6.90 8h 51m 22.3s 11º 49' 42"
Canes Venatici M51 (whirlpool gal) spiral galaxy 8.00 13h 29m 52.7s 47º 12' 36"
Canes Venatici M 94 (cats eye) spiral galaxy 8.10 12 50m 53.8s 41º 7' 8"
Coma Bernices M 64 (blackeye galaxy) spiral galaxy 8.40 12h 56m 42.8s 21º 40' 51"
Virgo M104 (sombrero) spiral galaxy 8.40 12h 39m 59.2s  -11º 37' 23"
Coma Bernices M53 globular clusterular clu 8.50 13h 12m 54.1s 18º 10' 36"
Canes Venatici M63 (sunflower galaxy) spiral galaxy 8.50 13h 15m 52.8s 42º 01' 53"
Hydra M 83 (southern pinwheel) spiral galaxy 8.50 13h 36m 59.5s  -29º 51' 24"
Hydra m83 (Southern Pinwheel) spiral galaxy 8.50 13h 36m 59.5s  -29º 51' 42"
Hydra M 68 globular cluster 9.00 12h 39m 28.6s  -26 44' 47"
Canes Venatici M 106 spiral galaxy 9.50 12h 18m 57.6s 47º 18' 41"
Leo ngc 2903 spiral galaxy 9.58 9h 32m 12.0s 21º 30' 0"
Corona Borealis          
Leo Minor          
Leo R Leonis Variable star, ranges from ~11 up to 4.4 at max. 312.43 period ~10 09h 47m 33.4s +11º 25' 43"