Rhetorical Activism and
United States Civil Rights Movements

English 140, Section 4
Fall 2000
Professor: Alisse Theodore
Email Address: alisse@umich.edu
Schedule of Assignments

September October November December

Rhetorical Activism and United States Civil Rights Movements

English 140 Home Course Information PhotogalleryAnnouncements and Updates Contact Information

Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date listed. Please note that this schedule of assignments is subject to change. Changes will be announced in class and posted on the course website, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~alisse/ENGL140f00/index.html. You are responsible for all changes announced in class.

DateDayTopics for Discussion and Assignments Due
September 6WednesdayFirst day of class.
Welcome and introductions.
Declaration of Independence.
United States Constitution.
September 11Monday Course Information, Schedule of Assignments.
Garrison, "To the Public," 1831.
Dew, "Abolition of Negro Slavery," 1832.
Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1833.
September 13Wednesday Discussion continues from Monday.
September 16Saturday Class trip to the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History.
Meet in front of Rackham at 11:00 a.m. Return by 5:00 p.m.
September 18Monday Grimke, "Appeal to the Christian Women of the South," 1837.
Douglass, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?", 1852.
September 20Wednesday Discussion continues from Monday.
September 25Monday Declaration of Sentiments, Seneca Falls, 1848.
Stanton, Seneca Falls Address, 1848.
Truth, "Ain't I a Woman?", 1851 (two versions).
September 27Wednesday Discussion continues from Wednesday.
Have you stopped by to chat during office hours yet?
October 2Monday McKay, Remonstrating Against the Right of Suffrage, 1870.
Anthony, Address on the Charge of Illegal Voting, 1872.
Cleveland, "Would Woman Suffrage Be Unwise?", 1905.
October 4Wednesday Discussion continues from Monday.
October 9Monday Terrell, "Progress of Colored Women," 1898.
Shaw, "Fundamental Principle of a Republic," 1915.
October 11Wednesday Discussion continues from Monday.
October 16Monday Kennedy, "To the American People on Civil Rights," 1963.
Wallace, "Segregation Forever," 1963.
October 18Wednesday First exam.
October 23Monday King, "I Have a Dream," 1963.
King, "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," 1963.
Malcolm X, "The Ballot or the Bullet," 1964.
October 25Wednesday Discussion continues from Monday.
Mid-semester evaluation of the course.
October 30Monday SNCC, Black Power, 1966.
Carmichael, Black Power, 1966.
Carmichael, Black Power, 1967.
King, Black Power, 1967.
November 1Wednesday Discussion continues from Monday.
November 6Monday Carmichael, "What We Want," 1966.
Black Panther Party Platform, 1966.
Cleaver, "A Word to Students," 1968.
Davis, "Get it Together," 1971.
November 8Wednesday Discussion continues from Monday.
November 13Monday Class tour of the Labadie Collection.
Meet at 4:10 p.m. in 711 Hatcher Library.
November 15Wednesday NOW, Statement of Purpose, 1966.
Chisholm, Equal Rights for Women, 1969.
Chisholm, House Testimony, 1970.
Steinem, Senate Testimony, 1970.
National Council of Jewish Women, Statement in Opposition, 1970.
National Council of Catholic Women, Statement in Opposition, 1970.
Mainardi, "Politics of Housework," 1970.
Syfers, "Why I Want a Wife," 1971.
Lane, "Long Island Press Picket," 1971 (photograph).
November 20Monday Chisholm, "The 51% Minority," 1970.
Beale, "Double Jeopardy," 1970.
Ferguson, "Women's Liberation Has a Different Meaning for Blacks," 1970.
November 22Wednesday No class: Thanksgiving recess.
November 27Monday No class.
November 29Wednesday Friedan, "An Open Letter to True Men," 1974.
Rich, Commencement Address at Smith College, 1979.
Falwell, "The Feminist Movement," 1980.
December 4Monday Discussion continues from Wednesday.
December 6Wednesday Steinem, "The Stage is Set," 1982.
NOW Circular, 1982.
ERA-America, Eagle Forum, and NOW, Letters of Appeal, 1982.
December 11Monday Steinem, "Words and Change," 1979/1982/1995.
Wrap-up and class evaluation.
December 13Wednesday Second Exam.


September October November December

Rhetorical Activism and United States Civil Rights Movements

English 140 Home Course Information Photogallery Announcements and Updates Contact Information
