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mali ficos non vendemus.

In which we wax poetic, make glittering generalities, judge and are judged, and all that jazz.

Name:Alison B

Alison was born and raised in the seaside city of Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Showing her leadership qualities even in her youth, she was Head Girl of Collegiate High School for Girls in 1985. Alison grew up in Basildon and left school at sixteen largely unqualified. She spent time as a shop worker before embarking on a piano tuning course which she had to abort in the second year as the single, Only You, became a worldwide hit. Alison achieved an international reputation as a banjo player by pushing the instrument out of its familiar Appalachian settings and into new musical territory. Alison became the 1993 recipient of the Dorothea Lange Award in documentary photography for her photographs of child labor in Asia. Since then, she has lived with exiled Tibetans in Nepal and India for over a decade, recording their culture and the challenges which exile has brought.

Monday, March 13, 2006

cupcake makin'

Brent and I are trying to make cupcakes out of wax in order to put them in a big net. Sounds great, no? It's just for the Michigan Theater decorations for the film festival. We only had one mold and it was taking forever. Yesterday the hotplate we were using for melting wax caught on fire - the flames got to be about 6 inches high. It was hilarious. Brent had to take the plate outside and flip it over on the pavement to put it out. So today we're just pouring into muffin tins. But the tops are sinking down and they don't have the characteristic swirl. hmmm.


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