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On the bright side, it looks like Ezekiel will survive.  I didn't even have to mortgage myself by promising a future favor.  On the down side, I don't think Tressa grasped the full scope of what Stephen did and what it means he could do.  Nick comprehends it.  I suppose this could be arrogance on my part.  I'm putting my interpretation above that of a woman much older and more experienced than I, but…  She wasn't there.  She didn't feel that push, pull and twist inside her head.

I'll miss Ezekiel.  Hopefully, he'll find a balance point and return to us eventually.  I won't count on it since Tremere are prone to shuffling people around according needs the rest of us can't perceive let alone understand.

I must conclude that Nina is either working for someone or a moron.  Courting my enmity is stupid unless she has someone protecting her.  I'd like very much to know what the truth is.  A blood sample and some assistance from the Tremere would give a partial answer.  I'd like to be sure she's not a Setite or bound to one.  Ezekiel's willing to play with her mind if I can bring them together somewhere, but she's likely to be wary of him.  Perhaps Nick would seem less threatening; the notion of discovering how much she knows about Necromancy might appeal to him.

Rafaella has altogether exaggerated notions about my importance.  Well, that or she's trying to flatter me.  Perhaps she simply doesn't understand the functioning of a clan that's not structured as hers is.  On the other hand, she may be making New World assumptions.  I'm not going to take any deliberate action to encourage her to consider me important outside the city limits; how she interprets the things I do for other reasons…  I suspect that we both see a need to cultivate the acquaintance.

I must discourage Severance's assumption that Dante is Rafaella's puppet.  That belief could lead her to mistakes, and Dante, whether his political decisions are his own or not, is a power to be reckoned with.  I don't think he can afford to have the notion that Rafaella's running him become more than a casual whisper.  I don't think she can afford it either; she's too young and too female.

Admittedly, the Dante-Rafaella relationship looks a bit odd.  She certainly went and found him and made him meet the right people and listen to them at least a bit.  I think the question about the two of them is what sort of symbiosis they might build and whether or not they'll both take the right steps to achieve it.  The dance should be interesting to watch; I wonder if they'll let me.

Severance knows a few things I need to learn, primarily in the ass-kicking department.  Most of my combat focus has been on killing people as opposed to simply establishing physical dominance.  Sadly, I expect I'll have to beat the crap out of a few people just to show that my fragile appearing physique isn't.  I've never previously let myself end up in a position in which it's an issue. 

Perhaps it's the change in situation that has me so introspective.  Even if I left Las Vegas a part of my life is over.  I can't go back now that the transition is past.  I must either forge ahead and claim status (and justify that claim!) or disappear into full anonymity.  I don't think I can survive the latter.  Surviving the former will require careful attention to details and a firm foundation.

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