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Notes for Constance Chamberlyn

1541 Constance Colepepir wrote her will on October 4. [1]

The 4 October 1541, 33 Henry VIII, I Dame Constance Colepepir, wydow, of Goutherst [Goudhurst] in the countie of Kent. To be buryed in the paryshe churche of Goutherst in the chapell where my husband lyethe. To high aulter 6s. 8d.
I will my body be brought in erthe and to be doon for at the daye of my buryall and at the daye of my mounethes mynde connenyent and according as shalbe mete for a woman of my degree. [Then as in her husabnds will to avoid multitude of people]. That is my knyll to be Rownge at Goutherst wt the grete bell the daye of my buryall and dirige to be songe there the same daye, three masses, one of Trinytie and other of our Lady and the thyrde of Requiem to be songe the next day after my buryall and £3 there for &e &e (as in her husbands will) and at Cranebroke, Benenden, Lambersherst and Stapleheerst.
Also my executours do fynde two tapers of waxe to berne upon my herse and as many tapers to bernne about the Chapell as I nowe fynde about the ayd Chapell to contynue one hole yere. To 12 poore men a gowne wt a hod and 4d. and thaye to stonde aboute my herce holding euery of theym a Torche praying all the service tyme for my soule, my husbond soule and all xpen soules. Fyve por women to cum ons a weke vnto the churche on the same daye yet shall happen me to dye and there to here mass wt in my foresayd Chapell during the space of one hole yere to praye for my soule &e and my executors to content and paye vnto euery of the seyd por women quarterly 3s. 4d.
One honest preest to singe and saye masse and to pray for my soule my husbands soule and all xpen soules wt in the foresayd Chapell by the space of one hole yere and the same prest shall saye dirige euery day in the weke wt in the foresayd chapell from the daye of my decease vntill the morowe after my monethes mynde &e and to have £7 he fynding wax, wyne and brede. Also I will that my vestment of blake veluet wt the cresse of clothe of gold lyncell vpon yt now remaynyng in my chapell at Begebury shall remayne and be occupyed in my chapell at Goutherst during one hole yere and remayn to the behoof of the churche of Goutherst for euer. To the paryche churche of Goutherst £20 towards the Reparacons or byinge of new ornaments.
Vnto my sone Thomas Colepepyr my basone and ewer of syluer wt his fathers armes and myne graven in them, two grete salts of syluer all gilte with a cover, two syluer quarte potts parcell gilt wt his fathers armes and myn graven on the lyddes of theym, three syluer bolls wt a couer parcell gylte, two of my best dyaper table clothes, two of my best dyaper towells, 12 of my new dyaper napkyns, a garnyshe of my bet pewter vessell, my hanging of areys that hangith in the chambr called the blewe chamber wt the Tester, seelez, curteyns, fetherbed, bolster, pyllowes fustyans and counterpoynte as yt now lyeth and my best cusshyon of clothe of golde wt two carpetts in the foresayd Chambr one ouer the cupborde and the other in the wyndowe a long carpett for a table which ys my best carpett. Also sixe moo fetherbedds for seruaunts to lye on. Also my best aulterclothe, my best vestments of white damaske embrothered, wt all things therto belonging, wt a corporas clothe and a corporas case of blewe clothe of golde, my chaleys, my masse boke and my Ringe that I was maryed wt to his father wt A and C graven in the ynnesyde of the same rynge. And also 12 workinge oxen wt plowes, harrowes, wagnes, corts and all things to them belonging. Also vnto my sone John Colepepyr in redy mony £26. 13. 4., 6 syluer spones wt rounde playne knoppis gylte, two lytel gilte salts with a couer, a longe cusshyn of clothe of golde Tyncell and blake veluet wt Trayfoyles of gold vpon ytt embrithered, 6 cusshyns of verder, a garnyshe of new pewter vessell, a tester of ceeler of tawny veluet and tawney damaske paned wt three curteyns of blacke silke, my fetherbed that lyeth in the greate Bedsted in the new parlor, a bolster two pillowes two payre of shets, a payr of blanketts and my best counterpoynte of blewe sylk and golde.
Also vnto my foresayd two sonnes Thomas and John all my harneys or Armure that is to saye Almayne Ryvetts, splents, brykenders, saletts, aporns of mayle, gorgetts, bowes, shevys of arowes and bylls egally betwene theym to be devyded and shisted.
To my sone George Harpur my Ringe of golde with a dyamond three square sett therein, a grete boll of syluer wt a couer all gilte, a spone of syluer with a steale gilte wt a forke a thende, my chayre coueryd wt blake veluett, my fetherbed that lyeth in the lytell bed in the newe parloour wt the bolster, pillowes and blanketts to the same wt a couerlett of tawny silke of bawdekyn wt a tester and ceeler of the same silke of Bawdekyn and 5 cusshyns of redd saye embrothered wt silke vpon theym.
Vnto my doughter Margaret thone halfe of my flagon chayne of golde, one of my brasletts of golde, halfe the chayne of golde that I hadd of my brother Sr. Edwarde Chamberlyn, knight, a grete boll of syluer all gilte wt a foote, a chayne of gold that I was wonte to weare two folde aboute my neke, a ryng of gold wt a grete Safewre sett therein which the King dyd gyve my husbond, a cruse of stone that I do vse to drynke in with a couer of syluer and gilte, six playne syluer spones, a browche of gold wt a maydennys hed enamyled, my worser vestment of white damaske wt all things therto belonging wt an aulter clothe halowed, a corporas cloth and a corporas case of crymsyn veluet wt Ihus of gold enbrothered vpon ytt and the auter cloth of grene saten and crymsyn damaske, my cupbord whiche stondith in my chambr which sumtyme seruith for an aulter, my trussing bedsted in the letell parlor wt the Irous therto belonging, a table and a payre of trestells of sypres, a frenche carpet, my best bonet of veluet, my partelet of blake saten poothered, my night gowne of blake saten, my kyrtell of crymsyn saten, the fetherbed that she lyeth on wt the bolster, two pillowes wt a couerlett of sarsenett, a tester, a ceeler, three curteyns all paned russett and yelowe sarsenett, a longe cusshon of white cloth of bawdekyn and blake veluett wt trayfoyles of golde enbrothered vpon yt a square cusshyon of silke wrought with needell worke, 2 grete grene carpet cusshyons, 2 new pewter basons, a litell chaffer of brasse. Also a bay colte, the dam of yt I bought of Luce Harpur and my best sadell with the gilte pomell wt the brydell and harneys therto perteynyng and also my pylion of fustyan of Naples wt brydell, harnes and foote scale therto belonging. Vnto my doughter Kateryn my chayne of gold I dyd weare for a girdell sowen vpon a blake lace, thother half of my flagon chayne of gold, thother half of the chayne of golde that I hadd of my forsayd brother Sir. Edward Chamberleyn Knight, thother of my brasletts of golde and a Rose of golde enamyled white with viij Rubyes and a poynted dyamond sett therein, a grete boll of syluer all gilte wt a foote, six palyne spones of syluer, a stone cruse wt a couer of syluer, a browche of golde wt a crucifix and seynt Jerom graven in ytt. Also my new parlor and the cupbord that standith in the dynyng parlor, a chayre of Sypres, two cusshions wherof one of them ys alonge cusshyon of white cloth of bawdekyn and blake veluet wt trayfoyles of gold enbrothered and thother ys a square cusshyon of silk wrought wt nedellworke and two grete grene carpett cusshyns and my grete grene carpett that I occupye euery daye in the parlour, my worser bonett of veluet, my fruntelett of blak veluet, my best poothered bonett, my parrys and larbes. Also my nyght gowne of tawny damask, my kyrtell of crymsyn veluet, my olde kyrtell of blake veluet, my two aulter clothes of white and grene sarcenet paned, embrothered wt Imagery and flowers.
Also my fetherbedd whiche I now lye on with the bolster, two pillowes, the tester, celler and couerlett as yt now ys with three custens of grene silk wt all other things to the same bed belonging, two pewter basons, a little chaffer of brasse and my sorell Colte that I bought of Bruer the Colyer and my sadell couered wt tawny veluet wt brydell and harnys therto belonging and my pilyon of tawny veluet wt brydell and harnes therto apperteyning. Also my thirde vestment of silk wt all things therto belonging wt the aulter cloth halowed and a corporas cloth with the corporas case of crymsyn cloth of gold and grene tyncellyed wt gold.
Also unto my foresayd two doughters Margarett and Kateryn my gowne of blak veluet to be departyd betwene theym and also all my sleves of silk and lynen in like maner betwene the same Margarett and Kateryn to be deuyded and shisted.
Also I bequeth vnto my doughters Anne Molyns and Johane Fitzyames my hole folde of chaynes of gold egally and indifferently betwene them to be deuyded and shysted. Also unto the same Anne a stone pott wt a couer of syluer and gilte wt a rose graven on the lydde therof and also a pece of syluer withoute a foote and sixe spones of syluer wt Lyons gilte on the knoppes. Also my gowne of blake taffata and my best kyrtell of blak veluet.
Also vnto the foresayd Johane Fitzyames six spones of syluer wt lyons on the knoppes gilte and a litell pece of syluer all gilte withoute a foote, a stone pott wt a couer syluer and gilte wt a Rose graven vpon ytt, also my gowne of blak damask and my kyrtell of blake damask chekeryd. Also vnto my foresayd foure doughters Anne, Johane, Margaret and Katheryn all my dyaper sheets, bordeclothes, cupbordclothes, towells, napkyns and pyllowbeers not before nor hereafter by me wylled.
Vnto my nevewe Rafe Chamberleyn my litell gilt pott wt a couer which my brother dyd gyve me, and to my neece his wyf my gilte spone which my brother also dyd gyve me.
Vnto my nevewe George Chamberleyn two syluer spones with flatt knoppes gylte and to my neece his wyfe my Ringe of golde wt a litell turkes in ytt.
Vnto my nevewe Leondard Chamberleyn two syluer spones wt flatt knoppes gilte.
My nevewe Francis Chamberleyn one spone of syluer wt a flatt knoppe gilte.
Vnto my neece Marye Ryther my Ring of golde wt a table dyamonde and a browche of golde wt a mans hedd sett therein and sett with redd amell with a wreathe of perle aboute yt.
Vnto my Lady Gray of the Mote in Kent a payre of beades of golde with a tassell of golde athende and 19 grete beade stones, besyds the smale beade stones in the same.
Vnto my Lady Baker my grete Ringe of golde with a grete Turkes sett in yt and a grete button of golde for a pertelett wt a grete Baleys sett therein.
Vnto my cosyn John Colepepyr the yonger sonne of my cosyn Rycharde Colepepyr of Wakenherst in redy money foure pounds. Also my cosyn Jasper Colepepyr his brother my lytell lantern of syluer.
Vnto my sonne Nicholas Clyfford my flagon bottel of syluer to cast swete water wt.
Also I give vnto Alice Colpeper my husband doughter my gown of blake clothe wt stayte (sic) sleves of my kyrtell of blak Russell worsted, a fetherbed, a bolster, two payre of sheets, 2 blanketts and a couerlett, a tester and ceeler wt three curteyns of white cloth and two kyne.
Vnto Jane Porter my gowne of frenche blake cloth and my kyrtell of blake saten and tenne pounds in redy money and my worste partelett of blacke veluet and also a fetherbed, a bolster, two pillowes, a payr of blanketts, two payre of sheets of bokeram and the tester, ceeler, three curteyns and a counterpoint of Redd and yewlow saye paned.
Vnto the foreseyd Alice Colepepyr and Jane porter all my Rayles, Kerchers and Smocks
Vnto my neece Mary Watno my best wrytten prymer with two clapses of syluer and gilte couered with blake veluet and three pounds in money.
Also vnto my nevewe Edward Colepepyr doctor, in redy money foure pounds. Vnto Elizabeth Ryther a syluer spone wt a flatt knopp gilte. Vnto my cosyn Henry Sampsons wyffe my partelet of tawny veluet poothered. Vnto my two sonnes in lawe, Aldred Fitzyames and Wylliam Nolyns in redy mony fyve pounds apece. Vnto Thomas Darells wyf thelder of Scotney a gilte spone with a perle at thende, my lytell penner and ynkehorne of gold enameled with blake and my best partelett of blake veluet.
Vnto Henry Rogers of Westwell my best tablett of golde. Nicholas Fynche my baye horse and 40s. and to Agas hys wyfe 20s. to by her a gowne. Wylliam Syddenham gent 20s. My goddoughter Constance Fynche a cowe. Margarett Curle my matens booke couered with blake veluet harnessed and clapsed wt syluer, wt the letter of A and C, chayned, and my signet of golde with the bies of A and C, chayned, and 40s. and my long blake beades wt fyve peecys of golde on them, my worser tablett and my dooble gelding. To George Kendall her sone my Iron gray Colte of two yeres ole.
Vnto Robert Gawen 40s. Alexaunder Dence a cowe. Wylliam Asten thelder 6s. 8d. Richard Meryham 6s. 8d. My goddaughter Constance BesByche a cowe. Feythe Coocheman a cowe. My godsone Rycard Brykendennys sone of Cranebrooke, clothyer, a cowe. Thomas Wyllenhale ten poundes and the yonge gelding which I bought of Hugh Pecok and the fetherbed &e whiche he nowe lyeth on and a payre of bokeram sheets.
Vnto Symond Wyllenhale other tenne pounds and the young Roane gelding of my owne brede and the fetherbed &e whiche he nowe lieth on and a payre of bokeram sheets. And for William Pyerson, my chapelyn 20s. To Cristofer Petter 40s. and the gelding that was bought of Hovenden. Alexaunder Dod thre pounds 6s. 8d. and 2 kyne and a fetherbed, bolster payer of shets a payr of blankets and a couerlet.
Vnto John Dod 20s. and a cowe. Robert Thorpe 40s. and a cowe. John Browne 40s. and a cowe.
John Whatman 20s. and a cowe. Wylliam Hadden 20s. and the gelding called Essex. John Sharpe 20s. and a gelding called Collshawe. Hugh Pecok 20s. and a cowe. Anthony Lyle 13s. 4d. Thomas Arglas 20s. and a cowe. Henry Cooke 13s. 4d. Wylliam Clowte 20s. and a cowe. Richard Kemp 10s. and a cowe. Anne Basset 10s. and a cowe. Lore Raper 10s. and a cowe. George Cots 10s. and a cowe. And to all other of my seruants as shall happen to be in my service at the tyme of my dethe 6s. 8d. a pece.
And where Sir Alexaunder Colepepir Knight my late husbande, whose soule God pardon, by his last wyll willed that yf I dye my doughters Margarett and Katheryn being unmaryed that they shall have towards theire gynding yerely £6. 13. 4. a peece out of the manors of Hardyshall and Austeley to me the foresayd Dame Constance by my forsaid husbande wylled and bequethed for the space of 20 yeres and also one hundreth pounds a pece towards their maryage, my wyll mynde and entent ys that my sayd two doughters
Margarett and Katheryn shall have the yerely rents and profytts for the space of 9 yeres and a half next aftir my decease which be of the yerely value of £66 sterling deducting oute therof yerely for theyr forsayd annuyties £6. 13. 4. a pece and also an anuyte yerely of £3. 6. 8. vnto Alice Colepeper according to her fathers wyll and 26s. 8d. of my gyfte to her yerely during the same nine yeres. Also for my lord Marques fee 20s., for Alexaunder Parker and Mighell Parkers fees 20s., for Wylliam Hylles fee 20s. for his fee that shall gather the rent yerely 33s. 4d. for costs of the Corte 6s. 8d. All whiche deduccioun yerely allowed Remayneth yerely vnto the foresayd Margarett and Katheryn £43 egally betwene theym to be devyded and shysted. The whole yerely value of £43 in nine years and di amounteyth vnto the some of £408. 10s. wherof £200 ys of their fathers bequest towards theire maryages and £208.10 Resydue ys of my gyfte vnto the sayd Margarett and Katheryn.
If it happen the forsayd Margarett to dye or deceas, whiche God forbyd, unmaryed, at any tyme before the 9 yeres di be fully expyred endyed, lyvyng her syster Kateryn or yf the sayd Kateryn dye then the sum to revert vnto her syster [and then to her other systers Anne and Johane egally and to their children and to her two brothers Thomas Colepepyr and John Colepepyr equally].
Also I wyll my cosyn John Colepepyr the yonger, one of the sonnes of my foresayd cosyn Richard Colepepyr of Wakeherst shall have out of the rents of the foresayd maners after my sone John Colepepyr be payd his parte and porcion £10. Also my sone George Harpur £40. My goddaughter Constance Colepepyr £20 out of the rents &e of the foresayd maners ymmedyately after my forsayed sone George Harpur be contentyd and payd of hys parte. To my goddaughter Dorothey Fitzyames £20 [after Constance is paid]. Also I wylle that Constance Molyns have £10 [similarly]. To my goddaughter Constance Clyfford £10. To Ursula Clyfford £5 in like maner when her syster Constance ys payd [the will then arranges in case any of these die].
My executours shall sell so much tymber growing vpon lands of the manor of Hardyshall and Austeley as shall amount vnto £30 wherof I bequeth vnto Sir John Baker, Knight, £20, and £10 of the resydue to Thomas Darell thelder of Skotney esquyer to see my testament and last will truly executyd.
The obit in last will of my husband Sir Alexaunder Colepepyr to be kept.
Also where the same my husbande by his last wyll wylled an honest seculer prest to sing and saye masse for his soule and all xpen soules in the Chapell of Seynt George and Seynt Sebastian wt in the parysshe churche of Goutherst aforesayd during the terme of fyve yeres and the same preest to have £6. 13. 4. and to poore people in almes 33s. 4d. and also yerely towards the reparacions of the same churche £3. 6. 8. during six yeres, whereof my sayd husband dyd wyll and bequeth vnto me all the Rents, revenues &e of his purchased lands and tenements called the Market Place of Goutherst wt the shoppis, fayre and the Tenement and lands called Besshefelds, for the space of fyve yeres which be of the clere yerely value of £5. 7.7. and also his purchased lands and tenement called Paynetts and Tryggs of the yerely value of £9. 12. by yere which be of the yerely vallue of £14. 19. 7. by yere. Whereof deducte and alowe oute for the prests wages £6. 13. 4. and for almes 33s. 4d. for reparacons of the churche of Goutherst £3. 6. 8. and for hym that shall gather the rents and fermes for fyve yeres 20s. – sm. of all the deducions and allowaunces yerely £13. 6. 8. and so remayneth yerely clere vnto me 33s. 9d., the which I geve vnto my sone John Colepepyr.
Sir John Baker and Thomas Daroll to ordeyn for my soule and all xpen as also to kepe hospitality and howsold ymmedyately after my deceas wt in the maner of Regebury and to fynde all my doughters and other my household and I make them my executours. To the whiche Sir John Baker I do give my Ringe of golde whiche ys edged on euery syde lyke a smale Jenumour and six fatt steeres and to Thomas Darell my ringe of gold wreathed wt a Rubye sett in yet and foure fatt steers.
Supervisors my nevewe John Ryther Esquire and my cosyn Harry Sampson Esquyre.
Witnes: Wylliam Asten thelder, clothier and Richard Meryham.
Be me Constance Colepepyr.
The Codicell of Dame Constance Colepepyr deceased made after the making of her testament and last wyll.
In primes to Sr. John Baker, Knight, a bason and an ewer of syluer and percell gylte wt three moryons hedds enamyled vpon them. Wynes therunto Nicholas Fynche, Thomas Wyllenhale, John Browne and other.
Item to Verny 40s. Wytnes Mr. Sampson, Nicholas Fynche, Robert Grene and John Browne. To John Rade 40s. Wytnes Nicholas Fynche and Thomas Wellenhale.
Item she wylled that Sir Wylliam Pyerson clerke should sing for her soule in the chapell of Seynt George and Seynt Sebastyan in Goutherst one yere ouer and above the yere expressyd in her sayd wyll and to have for his labour £7. Wytnes: Nicholas Fynche and Thomas Wyllenhale.
To Peter 40s. and a gelding called Hovenden. Wytnes Mastres Margart Masteres, Kateryn Colepepyr, Nicholas Fynche and other.
To her doughter Margarett the gray gelding that was bought of Maye, a lytell goblet of syluer wt a cover. To her doughter Kateryn a goblet of syluer wt out a couer and a few saddell of fustyan of Naples with a gylt pomell and a fork of syluer and gylte with a dogge at thende. To her doughters Margarett and Kateryn fowre grote pecs of golde in a purse of blake veluet. To Mayes wyfe, to Chemannys wyfe, Woodes wyfe and Benchekyns wyfe foure elles of lynyn clothe egally devyded and shysted. To her doughters Margarett and Kateryn the some of fourtye pounds due to her for woode sale viz £10 due by Burges and £30 due by Dorley and moreover she gave to Margarett and Kateryn £10 due to her by Raaf Chamberleyn esquyer.

1542 The will of Constance Colepepir was proved at London on November 13 by Robert Alen notary public for executors. (P.C.C. 12 Spert) [2]


[1] Tudor P.C.C. Will Transcription by L. L. Duncan - Book 54 p. 37, P.C.C. 12 Spert, [URL].

[2] Tudor P.C.C. Will Transcription by L. L. Duncan - Book 54 p. 37, P.C.C. 12 Spert, [URL].