Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy

Mary Schooley

Click on a person's name, below, to go to that person's genealogy page.

Ancestors of Mary Schooley

            ┌─Research Names Schooley 

         ┌─Thomas Schooley 

      ┌─Samuel Schooley 

      │  │  ┌─George Parker ⇒

      │  └─Sarah Parker 

      │     └─Sarah Smith ⇒

   ┌─Joseph Schooley 

   │  │     ┌─Holloway 

   │  │  ┌─John Holloway 

   │  └─Avis Holloway 

   │     │  ┌─James Pharo ⇒

   │     └─Mary Pharo 

   │        └─Anne Murfin ⇒

 Mary Schooley 

   │        ┌─Abraham Brown ⇒

   │     ┌─Preserve Brown 

   │     │  └─Mary 

   │  ┌─Preserve Brown 

   │  │  └─Mary 

   └─Sarah Brown 

      │     ┌─Thomas French ⇒

      │  ┌─Richard French 

      │  │  └─Jane Atkins ⇒

      └─Mary French 

         │  ┌─Harmanus King ⇒

         └─Mary King 

            └─Mary Greijn 

Descendants of Mary Schooley