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Notes for Herbert of Winchester the Chamberlain and ?

Research Notes:

Keats-Rohan states, [1]

Herbert Camerarius
Domesday tenant-in-chief in Hampshire. He was dead by the time of his appearance in PR 31 Henry I, which (p. 37) reveals that his wife was the sister of Osbert father of Gervaise, that his son and heir was Herbert and that he had a daughter married to Robert de Venoiz, and another daughter (ibid. 125) married to William Croc. Remembered as a predator of the abbey of Abingdon, to which he finally made amends; Chron. Abing. ii, 134 calls him 'regis cubicularius atque thesaurarius'. These offices were held c. 1125 by Geoffrey de Clinton, who may have purchased them from Henry I (RRAN ii, 1428); they certainly did not pass to Herbert's son.

Keats-Rohan states, [2]

Filius Osberti, Gervaise
Accounted in 1129/30 to rehave the land that Herbert the Chamberlain had had in marriage with the sister of Gervaise's father.
Pipe Roll 31 Henry I, 16-ds, 37-hm, 41-hm


[1] K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday People, A Prosopography of persons occurring in English documents, 1066-1166 (Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 1999), 249, [GoogleBooks].

[2] K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, A Prosopography of persons occurring in English documents, 1066-1166: II Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum (Boydell Press, 2002), 932.