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Notes for John Cunningham and Janet Lockhart

1631 John Cunningham, younger of Dankeithe, son of William Cunningham of Dankeithe, participated in a land transaction with Sir William Cunningham of Caprintoun. [1]

Instrument of sasine, dated 29 Sep 1631, in favour of Sir William Cunyngham of Caprintoun of the lands of Craigis in the parish of Symontoun following on a bond of warrandice by John Cunynghame, younger of Dankeith, son of William Cunynghame of Dankeithe, in respect of Sir William's cautionry in the contract of marriage between William and umquile Sarah Josie dated 23 July 1614.

1634 On January 8, John Cunningham, younger of Dankeithe, and Janet Lockhart, his spouse, conveyed land. [2]

Charter de me by John Conyngham, younger of Dankeithe, and Janet Lockhart, his spouse, to Sir William Conynghame of Caprintoune and Isobel Hamilton, his spouse, of the half merk land of Hoilhous in parish of Symontoune and bailiary of Kylstewart, 8 Jan 1634.


[1] National Archives of Scotland, GD149/141, Papers of the Cuninghame Family of Caprington, [Scotland_Archives].

[2] National Archives of Scotland, GD149/149, Papers of the Cuninghame Family of Caprington, [Scotland_Archives].