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Notes for Micajah Cochran Pickett and Rachel Kizannah Pickett

1813 M C Pickett was born in Rutherford, North Carolina. [1]

1818 Rachel Pickett was born in Fairfield County, South Carolina. [2]

Micajah Pickett was a lawyer and judge. Micajah Pickett and Rachel Pickett were first cousins. Rachel Pickett was also a first cousin of Charles T Pickett.

1850 MC Pickett (age 37) and Rachel K (age 32) Pickett lived in Franklin County, Florida with children Charles (age 11), Kissiah (age 9), and James (age 7). Four laborers also lived with them. Micajah was a laborer. [3] [4]

1850 Rachel's father, Charles, wrote a letter encouraging Rachel and Micajah to move back to Georgia from Florida. A transcription of the letter can be found in the marriage notes for Rachel's father Charles.

1855 "The Picketts Clan arrived in the Franklin County area around 1855, when they acquired considerable land at the Apalachicola Land Company auction at that time. Their properties surrounded the New River area and gave the name Pickett's Harbour to an area near the mouth of the New River at St. George Sound. Micajah Pickett and Rachel K. Pickett, his wife purchased the Southeast one quarter of Section 19 and the Southwest One Quarter of Section 20, Township 7 South, range 4 West, from George S. Hawkins, agent for the Apalachicola Land Company." (source: commerical website for Pickett's Landing, Carrabelle, Florida, History: www.pickettslanding.com, 2008).

1860 MC Pickett (born North Carolina age 46) and RK Pickett (born South Carolina age 41) lived in Apalachicola Twp, Franklin County, Florida with children Charles (age 21 born Georgia), Kizanna (age 17 born Alabama), Jas R (age 17), FC (age 4 born Florida), and Robb F (age 3). MC's occupation was listed as lightman. A few listings away was the household of Alexander Yant and his daughters Josephine (age 12) and Margaret (age 2). Josephine Yant would later marry James R and be listed as wife Frances J and Margaret would later be listed as a sister-in-law of son James R in the 1910 census. [5] [6]

1862 Rachel's father died. Rachel wrote a letter wrote to her mother and told her mother to come and lived with them in Florida, which apparently her mother did. Rachel, in trying to convince her mother that this was the thing to do, told her of the Micajah Picketts' having to take their boats into the backwaters of the bay to hide them from the Yankees.

1870 Micajah Pickett, a lawyer (born North Carolina age 50), and Rachel Pickett (born South Carolina age 50), lived in Yalachicola Twp, Franklin County, Florida with children Kizanna (age 28 born Alabama), Fordwick (age 16 born Florida), and Robert F (age 14). On the same page was sister-in-law Mary Picket, the widow of Hiram Pickett. [7] [8]

1880 MC Pickett (age 66) and Rachel (age 60) lived in Franklin County, Florida. MC and his parents were all born in North Carolina while Rachel and her parents were all born in South Carolina. Charles P (age 41), Ford C (age 24, sailor) and Robert F (age 22, sailor) were listed as sons. M.C. Pickett's occupation was lawyer. [9] [10]

1885 MC Pickett (age 71) and Rachel K (age 66) lived in Franklin County, Florida. MC was a lawyer. Charles (age 46) lived with them. [11] [12] [13]

Research Notes:

1856 Micajah Pickett patented land in Harrison County, Indiana on September 1. [14]

1858 Micajah C Pickett and Elizabeth Day patented land in Iowa on December 1. [15]

The following census records might be for sons of Micajah and Rachel Pickett:

1900 James R Pickett (born in Alabama in Mar 1844, married for 27 years) lived in Carrabelle Twp, Franklin County, Florida, in a household with Frances J Pickett (age 52), Eva Pickett (age 16), Lee Pickett (age 14), Bly Pickett (age 10), Jem Pickett (age 6), and brother Charley Pickett (age 62). James R Pickett's parents were both born in Georgia. [16] [17] [18]

1900 Robt Pickett (born in Florida in Jan 1857) lived in Carrabelle Twp, Franklin County, Florida, in a household with Sarah A Pickett (age 27), Robt R Pickett (age 1), brother Fred C Pickett (age 46), Mattie Ready (age 41), and Edward R Ready (age 74). Robt Pickett's father was born in North Carolina and his mother was born in South Carolina. [19] [20] [21]

1910 James R Pickett (age 68, born in Alabama, married for 40 years) lived in Carrabelle Twp, Franklin County, Florida, in a household with Frances L Pickett (age 60), Lee Pickett (age 22), Gem Pickett (age 15), Della Pickett (age 20), and Maggie Yent (age 40). James R Pickett's parents were both born in South Carolina. James R Pickett could read and write. James R Pickett's occupation was pilot, Bar, own account. [22] [23]


[1] Florida Deaths, 1877-1939, Reported in record of son, Frederick Carr Pickett, [FamilySearchRecord].

[2] Florida Deaths, 1877-1939, Reported in record of son, Frederick Carr Pickett, [FamilySearchRecord].

[3] United States Federal Census, 1850, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[4] United States Federal Census, 1850, [AncestryRecord].

[5] United States Federal Census, 1860, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[6] United States Federal Census, 1860, [AncestryRecord].

[7] United States Federal Census, 1870, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[8] United States Federal Census, 1870, [AncestryRecord].

[9] United States Federal Census, 1880, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[10] United States Federal Census, 1880, [AncestryRecord].

[11] Florida State Census, 1885, [FamilySearchImage], [FamilySearchRecord].

[12] Florida State Census, 1867-1945, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].

[13] Florida State Census, 1885, [AncestryRecord].

[14] United States Bureau of Land Management Patent, [US_BLM Abstract], [Website Image].

[15] United States Bureau of Land Management Patent, [US_BLM Abstract], [Website Image].

[16] United States Federal Census, 1900, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[17] United States Federal Census, 1900, [AncestryRecord].

[18] United States Federal Census, 1900, [AncestryRecord].

[19] United States Federal Census, 1900, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[20] United States Federal Census, 1900, [AncestryRecord].

[21] United States Federal Census, 1900, [AncestryRecord].

[22] United States Federal Census, 1910, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[23] United States Federal Census, 1910, [AncestryRecord].