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Notes for John Wise and Catherine Wise

Research Notes:

Felix Wise, of Mifflin Twp, granted land to sons Jacob and John. Based on adjacent landowners in the 1825 deed, below, and the 1830 and 1840 census records, we suspect that John Wise, son of Felix, was the same person as in the census records below, whose wife was Catharine. We suspect that son Andrew Wise was the same person as Andrew Jackson Wise.

Catharine Wise, daughter of Leonard Wise, was the spouse of John Wise, based on Orphans' Court records regarding the estate of Leonard Wise.

We suspect that John Wise, spouse of Catharine Wise, was the same person as John Wise, son of Felix Wise. We suspect that they are the couple named in the notes below. We seek further evidence to support or refute this hypothesis.

1820 John Wise lived in Mifflin Twp, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 3 (under 10), 3 (10 thru 15), and 1 (26 thru 44); and females: 3 (under 10), 1 (10 thru 15), 1 (16 thru 25), and 1 (26 thru 44). [1]

1825 Felix Wise sold land to John Wise, both of Mifflin Twp, on October 5. The land was adjacent to lands of John Sensebaugh, Henry Knettle, Philip Remp?, George Gregor, William Harper's heirs, and George Wise. The land was in 4 tracts. Two tracts were granted to Felix by Andrew Giffin by Cumberland Deed M-150 on March 29, 1797. The third tract was patented by Felix Wise, Patent 51-32, on April 18, 1803. The 4th tract was purchased from William Harper on December 9, 1815. [2]

1826 The will of Felix Wise, proved in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, was dated January 1, 1817. "I Felix Wise of Mifflin Township, county of Cumberland and state of Pennsylvania do this thirteenth day of June make and publish this codicil to my last will and testament in manner following: ... wife Christina ... nine children: Magdalena wife of Henry Wolf, Christina, Elizabeth, Catharine wife of Simon Gavuse, George, John, and Adam, Susannah, and Margaret wife of George Nort. signed Felix Wise. Codicil dated 13 June 1825 mentions sale of land to sons John and George. Will executed fourth day of May 1826, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. [3]

1830 John Wise lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 3 (5 thru 9), 1 (40 thru 49), and 1 (50 thru 59); and females: 2 (under 5), 1 (15 thru 19), and 1 (20 thru 29). [4] Sam'l Ramp and Geo Gregor (see the 1825 deed) were listed nearby. John Ziegler (perhaps related to husband of daughter Joanna?) lived nearby. The oldest female is age 20-29, likely Catherine.

1840 John Wise lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in a household with males: 2 (15 thru 19) and 1 (50 thru 59); and females: 2 (under 5), 2 (5 thru 9), 2 (10 thru 14), 1 (15 thru 19), and 1 (30 thru 39). [5] Jacob Wise (age 20-30) was listed nearby. John Sensebaugh was listed nearby (see 1825 deed).

1844-46 Catherine, daughter of Leonard Wise deceased, was married to John Wise, according to records of the Orphans Court. John Wise's signature appears in several documents in Orphans Court proceedings for the estate of Leonard Wise, as the spouse of Catharine Wise, daughter of Leonard. Thus, we know that Catharine Wise married John Wise.

1845 "Upon petition of Leonard Wise Jr, a son and heir and heir at law of Leonard Wise late of south Middleton township ... your petitioner's father died intestate about the sixth of June AD 1843 leaving a widow Barbara and issue eight children to wit Jacob Wise, Michael Wise, Emanuel Wise, Leonard Wise Jr (your petitioner), Catherine Wise intermarried with John Wise, Mary Brenizer widow late Mary Wise, Rebecca Wise intermarried with Peter McGlaughlin, Johanna Wise intermarried with Samuel Johnson. That the said intestate died seized in his desmesne as of fee of and in the following real estate to wit a plantation or tract of land situate in south Middleton township aforesaid bounded by land of Robert Irvine Henry & Frederick Wise, land formerly of Solomon Gorges & James Hamilton Esq containing one hundred and seventy three acres more or less with the appurtenances. Also thirty two perches of land used as a sand bank bounded by lands of Baltzar Gunkel, Frederick Wise, Henry Wise and Jacob Wise etc? which are all the lands of which the said intestate died seized that have come to the knowledge of your petitioner. He therefore prays the Court, as the parties in interest cannot agree to the choice of seven or more disinterested persons for that purpose to award an inquest to make partition of the premises aforesaid to and among the children & representatives of the said intestate in such manner and in such proportions as by the Laws of this Commonwealth is directed". Inquest awarded. Dated August 11, at the Orphans' Court at Carlisle in Cumberland County. [6]

1846 The heirs of Leonard Wise were named by the Orphans Court.
Carlisle Weekly Herald, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, January 28, 1846. [7]

1850 Catharine Wise (age 48, born in Pennsylvania) lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, in a household with John Wise (age 60), John Wise (age 27), Catharine Wise (age 18), Mary Wise (age 14), Joanna Wise (age 13), Andrew Wise (age 9), and [grandson] Samuel Lehman (age 4). [8] Note that Joanna is a name of Catharine's sister. Jacob Lehman purchased land from the estate of Leonard Wise. Was he related to Samuel Lehman (age 4 in the 1850 census)?

1860 John Wise (age 73, born in Pennsylvania) lived in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, in a household with John Wise (age 37), Sophia Wise (age 28), Rebecca E Wise (age 4), Eliz C Wise (age 3), Geo Wise (age 6/12), and Susan Camery (age 17). John Wise's occupation was farmer. [9]

1865 John F Wise was appointed administrator for the estate of John Wise.
The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1865. [10]

1865 John F. Wise was the administrator for the estate sale of John Wise.
The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, October 21, 1865. [11]

1865 Orphans Court sale of the estate of John Wise.
The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, September 23, 1865. [12]

1865 Letters of administration were issued to John F Wise for the estate of John Wise late of Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, on April 10. [13]

1865 On August 15, John F Wise petitioned the Orphans Court about land in Mifflin Twp from the estate of John Wise. Debts of the estate were listed to A Lehman, J F Wise, A J Wise, Joseph Deihl, Mrs Rebecca North, and the Sunday Book account. [14]

1872 John F Wise sold land in Mifflin Twp, Cumberland County, to P.A. Boll. [15]

1883 Son John F. Wise died in 1883 (born 1822) and was buried at Saint Peter's Upper Frankford Church Cemetery, Newville, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA . [16] Married Sophia Snyder. Daughter Rebecca Ellen Gutshall.

1904 Andrew Jackson Wise died on July 12, 1904 and was buried at Brethren Cemetery, Dallas Center, Dallas County, Iowa. [17] Spouse Susan Shank. Notes cite parents John and Catherine Wise (documentation?)

1918 Joanna Baker, daughter of John Wise and Barbara Wise, died on August 3, 1918, at age 80, in Harrisburg Twp, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Joanna Baker was born on July 1, 1838, in Newville, Pennsylvania. [18] Perhaps the informant confused Joanna's mother's name [Catharine?] with her grandmother's name [Barbara?]?


[1] United States Federal Census, 1820, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[2] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed SS-495, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].

[3] Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994, Cumberland, Will K-21, [FamilySearchImage].

[4] United States Federal Census, 1830, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[5] United States Federal Census, 1840, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[6] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Orphans Court Docket, 11-415, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].

[7] Carlisle Weekly Herald, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, January 28, 1846, page 3, [NewspapersClip].

[8] United States Federal Census, 1850, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[9] United States Federal Census, 1860, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[10] The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1865, page 3, [NewspapersClip].

[11] The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, October 21, 1865, page 3, [NewspapersClip].

[12] The Star and Enterprise, Newville, Pennsylvania, September 23, 1865, page 3, [NewspapersClip].

[13] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Wills 1750-1908, and Administrator's books, 1750-1906, Administration F-56, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].

[14] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Orphans Court Docket, Orphans Court 16-455, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].

[15] Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed Index entry, Deed 3J-439, Deed not digitized, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].

[16] Find A Grave Memorial 94978884, [FindAGrave].

[17] Find A Grave Memorial 14757570, [FindAGrave].

[18] Pennsylvania Death Certificates, Certificate 88425, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].