Ariane M. Masuda and Michael E. Zieve:
Permutation binomials over finite fields,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 4169–4180.

(Both the published version and the arXiv version are available online.)

We prove that, if xm+cxn permutes the prime field Fp, where m>n>0 and c is in Fp*, then  gcd(m-np-1) > p½-1. This improves results of Wan and Turnwald, who gave a similar lower bound on m.

Conversely, we prove that if  q≥4 and  m>n>0 are fixed and satisfy  gcd(m-nq-1) > 2q(log log q) / log q, then there exist permutation binomials over Fq of the form xm+cxn if and only if  gcd(mnq-1)=1. This refines and generalizes results of Carlitz–Wells and Laigle-Chapuy.

We also give a heuristic suggesting that there should be no permutation binomials xm+cxn over Fp with m>n>0 and gcd(m-np-1) < p / (2 log p). We verified this conclusion by computer for all  p<105. Combined with the above existence result, this gives a rather clear picture of permutation binomials over prime fields (albeit based on a heuristic). The situation over nonprime fields remains mysterious, due to the existence of low-degree permutation binomials like x10+3x over F343.

A weaker version of our nonexistence result can be proved using Weil's bound (the Riemann hypothesis for curves). If  g(x) := xm+cxn with c in Fp* and m>n>0 but m/n is not a power of  p, then it can be shown that F(xy) := (g(x)-g(y))/(x-y) is absolutely irreducible, so Weil's bound implies it has points off the diagonal (and thus g does not permute Fp) whenever p>m4. Our result improves this by replacing the exponent `4' by `2', and further replacing m by gcd(m-np-1). Thus, our nonexistence result yields a nontrivial lower bound on the number of  Fp-rational points on the curve F(x,y)=0, even in situations where Weil's lower bound is negative. However, our proof does not use algebraic geometry; instead we use a character sum argument due to Hermite. On the other hand, we use Weil's bound to prove our existence result.

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