Zeyu Zheng

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student at Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, advised by Prof. Satinder Singh. My research interests lie in deep reinforcement learning.

I did my undergraduate at School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University.

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Adaptive Pairwise Weights for Temporal Credit Assignment
Zeyu Zheng*, Risto Vuorio*, Richard Lewis, Satinder Singh
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2022
Abridged version presented at NeurIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 2020
GrASP: Gradient-Based Affordance Selection for Planning
Vivek Veeriah, Zeyu Zheng, Richard Lewis, Satinder Singh
NeurIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 2021
Learning State Representations from Random Deep Action-conditional Predictions
Zeyu Zheng, Vivek Veeriah, Risto Vuorio, Richard Lewis, Satinder Singh
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
[arXiv] [code]
Automated Multi-layer Optical Design via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Haozhu Wang, Zeyu Zheng, Chengang Ji, L. Jay Guo
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2020
[paper] [arXiv] [code]
What Can Learned Intrinsic Rewards Capture?
Zeyu Zheng*, Junhyuk Oh*, Matteo Hessel, Zhongwen Xu, Manuel Kroiss, Hado van Hasselt, David Silver, Satinder Singh
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
[paper] [arXiv]
On Learning Intrinsic Rewards for Policy Gradient Methods
Zeyu Zheng, Junhyuk Oh, Satinder Singh
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2018
[paper] [arXiv] [code]
Poseidon: An Efficient Communication Architecture for Distributed Deep Learning on GPU Clusters
Hao Zhang, Zeyu Zheng, Shizhen Xu, Wei Dai, Qirong Ho, Xiaodan Liang, Zhiting Hu, Jinliang Wei, Pengtao Xie, Eric P. Xing
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2017
[paper] [arXiv] [release]
Parallelizing Sequential Graph Computations
Wenfei Fan, Jingbo Xu, Yinghui Wu, Wenyuan Yu, Jiaxin Jiang, Zeyu Zheng, Bohan Zhang, Yang Cao, Chao Tian
ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2017, Best Paper Award
Awards and Honors
  • Rackham International Student Fellowship, 2018

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