Yuqing Kong


I am a PhD candidate in the Computer Science and Engineering Division at the University of Michigan. My advisor is Grant Schoenebeck. I received my bachelor degree in mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China.


I am currently an assistant professor at the Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies (CFCS), Peking University. I'm no longer maintaining this website. Here is my new site.

Research Interests:

The intersection of theoretical computer science and the areas of economics: information elicitation, prediction markets, mechanism design, and the future applications of these areas to crowdsourcing and machine learning.


Water from Two Rocks: Maximizing the Mutual Information
Y. Kong, G. Schoenebeck.
EC '18

Eliciting Expertise without Verification
Y. Kong, G. Schoenebeck.
EC '18

Optimizing Bayesian Information Revelation Strategy in Prediction Markets: the Alice Bob Alice Case
Y. Kong, G. Schoenebeck.
ITCS '18

An Information Theoretic Framework For Designing Information Elicitation Mechanisms That Reward Truth-telling
Y. Kong, G. Schoenebeck.
Arxiv '16

Equilibrium Selection in Information Elicitation without Verification via Information Monotonicity
Y. Kong, G. Schoenebeck.
ITCS '18

Putting Peer Prediction Under the Micro(economic)scope and Making Truth-telling Focal
Y. Kong, K. Ligett, G. Schoenebeck.
WINE '16


An Information Theoretical View of Information Elicitation Mechanisms
Y. Kong, G. Schoenebeck.

Graduate Student Instructor of:

Fall 2015

EECS 598-06 Randomness and Computation

Fall 2014

EECS 475 Introduction to Cryptography

Contact Information:

3956 Bob and Betty Beyster Building
2260 Hayward
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121
Phone: (734)834-7192
Email: yuqkong@umich.edu