Railroad Maps of Russia

Russian Railroads, or RZD (Rossiyskiye Zheleznyie Dorogi), are comprised of 16 structural subdivisions called “railroads”, which roughly correspond to 16 geographic regions of this huge country.  The railroad maps of Russia in the Pavel Kashin’s collection are arranged by these geographical subunits.  The railroads are numbered sequentially roughly from west to east (with 01 being the region around St. Petersburg and 16 being the region around Vladivostok), and the first number in a two-number index of each map corresponds to the number of the railroad, to which that area belongs.  An overview map of each railroad has the second number in the two-number index set to 00 (double zero); it provides a smaller-scale map of the corresponding region as well as an index of map coverage of individual areas within that region.  The second number in the two-number index of any map is a sequential number of that map within the railroad represented by the first number.  For each map, names of major cities or large railroad stations in that area are also provided after the numerical index for easy reference.

The notations on the maps from this series are as follows:

THIN lines = single-track segments

THICK lines = double-track segments

DASHED lines = closed segments

BLACK lines = non-electrified segments

RED lines = DC-electrified segments (3kV)

BLUE lines = AC-electrified segments (25 kV, 50 Hz)

BROWN lines = industrial short lines (non-RZD owned, non-electrified)

GREEN lines = segments outside map coverage (continued on adjacent maps)

ORANGE lines = major highways

GRAY lines = highways

WHITE rectangles = stations with passenger service

GRAY rectangles = freight-only stations

short perpendicular lines across rail line = passenger stops for regional trains (platforms only, no switches or crossovers)

Rail Transit >> Maps >> Railroad Maps >> Russia

Last update: June 25, 2020.