Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Are these directions up-to-date?
A:  Yes!  They are as current and up-to-date as it ever gets.  You can check the date of the last update at the bottom of the main directions page.

Q:  Are the times shown AM or PM?
A:  Neither.  This is the 24-hour clock.  If you do not know what it is, Google it (and what planet are you from?).

Q:  Where can I find directions from X to Y?  What other directions do you provide?
A:  All directions that are currently offered can be found on the main directions page.

Q:  Are you affiliated with any transit agency or transportation provider?
A:  No, I am not.  Moreover, I am not paid by anyone or any company to maintain and update these pages for more than a decade.  If you'd like to send a thank-you note, you can do so here.

Q:  Is it safe to use the public transportation options described in these directions?
A:  Yes, perfectly safe.  I would not be recommending anything unsafe.  Just exercise regular caution as you would in any public place.

Q:  I will be travelling with a child, I am a senior citizen, my situation is somehow different from everyone else's.  Is it safe to use the public transportation options described in these directions?
A:  See the previous answer.  I am not sure where the notion that public transportation is somehow inherently unsafe comes from.  Statistics show exactly opposite.  Public transit in the United States is at its safest in the last 30-40 years (and it keeps improving), and it is consistently safer than any areas it travels through.  You are always safer when there are people around you and not when you are alone on a deserted street.  The problem you should worry about on public transit nowadays is crowding and ability to find a seat during rush hours, not safety.  Millions upon millions of people use public transit every day, and they would not be doing so, if it were unsafe.  And don't even get me started on how much safer public transportation is than that plane you are about to take the same day...  And no, no one is likely to attack your child or your grandma.  You should stop thinking that you are somehow special:  plenty of senior citizens and people with children take public transit regularly nowadays.  Your notions about transit and its safety are outdated, you should really update them.

If your question is not answered above, and if you carefully read the directions, please feel free to contact me.

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