Yiwang "Evan" Chen

About Me

I am a sixth year PhD student in at Department of Mathematics at University of Michigan, and my advisor is Stephen Debacker.

I obtained my Bachelor drgree at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in June 2015.


My interests lie in representation theory, especially complex representations of groups over the p-adic numbers, which is related to number theory.


Life is a journey, so is learning.

Here is the section webpage for Math 116 Section 028 in Fall 2020.

Here is the section webpage for Math 116 Section 042 in Winter 2021.


I have made several notes available.


Outreach Activities that I have participated, with link if notes/resources of the activity is available.

Here are the list.

Chinese Story Time

I helped organizing and participated in Chinese Story Time program at Ann Arbor Downtown Library.

Table RPG Game

I am currently developing a Table RPG game with my kid, and I wrote some codes for Character Card Generation.

Personal Interest

Outside of math, I am interested in reading, swimming, hiking, planting, watercolor painting (especially about plants), cooking, sewing.

I am also particularly interested in hearing interesting ko-ans in Buddhism, you can definitely email me with the reference if you see a good one, thank you.

"When you're not thinking of anything good and anything bad, at that moment, what is your original face?" ------Platform Sutra.

Contact Information

  • 4848 East Hall
  • yiwchen "at" umich "dot" edu