Chaowei Xiao


I am Chaowei Xiao, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and also a research scientist at NVIDIA.

I am currently very interested in exploring the trustworthy problem in (MultiModal) Large Language Model System and studying the role of LLMs in different application domains.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering Department from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and my bachelor's degree in School of Software from Tsinghua University in 2020 and 2015 respectively. Before joining the University of Wisconsin, Madison, I also spent one wonderful year at Arizona State University.

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I’m looking for self-motivated students (B.S., Master, and Ph.D.) who are interested in my research. If you are interested in working with me, drop me an email with your CV. Check out our PhD programs at Information School @ University of Wisconsin [link], Madison and mention my name in your application and research statement.

UW-Madison is an excellent place for research, and Madison is a wonderful city to live in. Please check out these videos (Why UW-Madison, Madison).

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