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VCF0015b Abbreviated Interview - Post

Abbreviated interview form - Post

0. Post IW is not abbreviated 
   [1952: extended form B re-interview; 1984: personal 
   IW; 1992: 'long' form Post incl. Spanish Post]
1. Abbreviated Post IW
   [1952 N=585: not the extended re-interview with
   29 additional questions; 1968 mail questionnaire N=36;
   1972 Form III mail quesionnaire N=57; 1984 telephone 
   questionnaire N=966 ; 1992 short-form N=190 ; 1996 
   training VQ N=39]
2. Additional Abbreviated Post IWs
   [1972 Form IV mail questionnaire N=37; 1984 
   abbreviated telephone questionnaire N=45]

Inap. no post IW

1952 NOTE:
In 1952 some respondents were sent an extended version of the post
questionnaire ("form B"); caes not administered this extended Post
re-interview are coded 1.
1968 NOTE:
In the 1968 post, some respondents were sent mail questionnaires which
contained fewer questions than in the full face-to-face questionnaire.
1972 NOTE:
In the 1972 post, some respondents were sent mail questionnaires which
contained fewer questions than in the full face-to-face questionnaire:
respondents who were Form I in the Pre (see VCF0012) and who were 
interviewed in the Post using the mail questionnaire were designated 
"Form III" in the Post; respondents who were Form II in the Pre and who 
were interviewed in the Post using the mail questionnaire were 
designated "Form IV" in the Post
1984 NOTE:
In addition to the 1984 telephone Post questionnaire, which was shorter
than the 1984 Post personal questionnaire, an abbreviated version of the
Post telephone questionnaire was also administered to 45 cases.
1992 NOTE:  
In addition to 'long-form' or full personal mode questionnaires, short-
form telephone questionnaires were prepared in both the Pre and Post 
waves for out-of-range panel cases.  Please see the full 1992 ANES 
documentation for a complete description. Note that, contrary to 
intentions, use of the short-form questionnaire was not limited to 
telephone mode, nor was long-form use confined to personal mode. [In 
a few cases the shorter interview was administered to 'fresh' cross-
section respondents-- 4 cases Pre, 4 cases Post].
1996 NOTE:  
The Post 'VQ file' or CAPI application was revised several times while 
in the field.  Some cases in the Post were mistakenly administered 
using a pre-production (training) VQ file which lacked several 
intended questions.

Numeric  Dec 0

1952:  520003
1968:  680005
1972:  720003
1984:  840064
1992:  925002
1996:  960909

Walter Mebane 2005-11-03