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VCF0301 7-pt Scale Party Identification

Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican,
a Democrat, an Independent, or what?  (IF REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT)
Would you call yourself a strong (REP/DEM) or a not very strong 
Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or Democratic party?

1.  Strong Democrat
2.  Weak Democrat
3.  Independent - Democrat        
4.  Independent - Independent
5.  Independent - Republican
6.  Weak Republican
7.  Strong Republican
9.  Apolitical (1966 only: and DK)

0.  DK; NA; other; refused to answer; no Pre IW
Inap. question not used

APOLITICAL Code 9: In 1952-1966, an R who voluntarily specified complete
disinterest in politics ('I never vote,' 'I don't get involved in 
politics,' etc.) in response to party identification was coded as 
apolitical.  S/he was not then asked if s/he felt closer to either 
major party. In 1968-1980, 1984 an R who responded 'no preference'
to party identification and who responded with 'neither', DK or NA when 
asked if s/he felt closer to either major party was coded as apolitical 
if s/he otherwise also expressed a general disinterest in politics.
In 1982, 1986 and later, an R who expressed 'no preference' for party 
identification and who responded with 'neither,' DK or NA when asked if 
s/he felt closer to either major party was coded as apolitical IF s/he
also indicated little or no interest in politics in response to 
questions corresponding VCF0310, VCF0311/VCF0312, VCF0313, VCF0702).
INDEPENDENT - Code 4: In 1952-1966, an R was defined as independent if 
s/he responded 'independent' to party identification and then responded 
with 'neither,' DK or NA when asked if s/he felt closer to either major 
party. In 1968-1980 and 1984 an R was defined as independent (code 4 in 
VCF0301) if s/he responded 'independent' to party identification and 
then responded with 'neither,' DK or NA when asked if s/he felt closer 
to either major party.  An R was also defined as independent (code 4 in
VCF0301) if:  #1. s/he responded 'no preference' to party 
identification  AND #2. responded with 'neither,' DK or NA when asked 
if s/he felt closer to either major party AND #3. if s/he otherwise 
expressed some interest in politics.
INDEPENDENT/APOLITICAL - Codes 4/9: In 1982, 1986 and later,  an R who 
responded 'independent' to party identification and who then responded 
with 'neither,' DK or NA when asked if s/he felt closer to either major 
party was coded as independent (code 4 in VCF0301).  An R who expressed 
'no preference' for party identification and who responded with 
'neither,' DK or NA when asked if s/he felt closer to either major 
party was coded as independent (code 4 in VCF0301) IF s/he also 
indicated some interest in politics in response to the 4 questions 
listed above.
OTHER - Code 0: In all years, if an R responded to the party 
identification question with the mention of a minor party and then 
responded 'neither,' DK or NA when asked if s/he felt closer to either 
major party, then s/he has been coded "other."
LEANERS - Codes 3,5: 'Leaners' have included (all years): A. Rs who 
responded 'independent' to party identification and who responded with 
the mention of a major party when asked if s/he felt closer to either 
major party; B. Rs who responded to the party identification question 
with the mention of a minor party but who said they felt closer to one 
major party; C. Rs who responded to the party identification with 'no 
preference' but who said they felt closer to one major party.


Numeric  Dec 0

1952:  520237 
1954:  540012  
1956:  560088 
1958:  580062 
1960:  600091
1962:  620035 
1964:  640146 
1966:  660082
1968:  680120 
1970:  700184(type 0)  
1972:  720140
1974:  742204 
1976:  763174 
1978:  780433
1980:  800266 
1982:  820291 
1984:  840318
1986:  860300 
1988:  880274 
1990:  900320
1992:  923634 
1994:  940655 
1996:  960420
1998:  980339 
2000:  000523 
2002:  023038x
2004:  043116

Walter Mebane 2005-11-03