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VAR CF9059    SENATE CHALLENGER THERMOMETER                                   
              COLUMNS 792  - 794                                              
              MD EQ 990 OR GE 996                                             

        SENATE CHALLENGER TO INCUMBENT CANDIDATE - Feeling Thermometer        
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        SEE TEXT NOTES VCF0201.                                               
        Name of the challenging senate candidate from election held during    
        year of IW was given.                                                 
        In California in 1992 and in Tennessee in 1994, the regular Senate    
        election and a second "special" Senate election were held.  This      
        variable codes data for the regular Senate election only;  since the  
        regular 1992 Senate election in California had no running incumbent,  
        1992 California cases are coded 990.                                  
        If there was no senate race in state AND no post IW, then 999 (no     
        post) has been coded.                                                 
           0-100.    Degrees as given                                         
             990.    No incumbent candidate; incumbent candidate is unopposed 
             996.    No race in state; Washington D.C.                        
             997.    R doesn't recognize name                                 
             998.    DK where to rate; can't judge                            
             999.    NA; refused; INAP, no post IW (1980,1988,1992); question 
                     not used                                                 
        1978:  2004        1980:  848,849      1982:  126,127                 
        1986:  131,132     1988:  596,597      1990:  140,141                 
        1992:  5304,5305   1994:  231,232      1998:  980241,980242           

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001