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VAR CF1008    3RD RECALL HOUSE CANDIDATE - CAND CODE                          
              COLUMNS 700  - 701                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 97                                                

        THIRD CANDIDATE RECALL                                                
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        SEE NOTES VCF1006.                                                    
             31.  Democratic candidate in race without running incumbent      
             32.  Republican candidate in race without running incumbent      
             33.  Democratic incumbent                                        
             34.  Republican incumbent                                        
             35.  Democratic challenger to Republican incumbent               
             36.  Republican challenger to Democratic incumbent               
             80.  Independent/liberal/conservative/minor party candidate [not 
                  used after 1988: combined into code 97]                     
             97.  Name given not on candidate list for House                  
             99.  R says s/he remembers names but when asked for name replies 
                  DK or NA; R says s/he does not remember any (or DK/NA if    
                  remembers any) names; INAP, Washington D.C.; California     
                  (1974 only, due to redistricting type of race could not be  
                  determined); no further mention; no post IW (1980, 1984,    
                  1988, 1992, 1996) short form (1992)                         
             00.  INAP, question not used                                     
        1970:  203       1974:  2217     1978:  122                           
        1980:  830       1982:  108      1984:  746                           
        1986:  112       1988:  574      1990:  116                           
        1992:  5118      1994:  219      1996:  961015                        
        1998:  980232                                                         

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001