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VAR CF1004    PARTY OF RESPONDENT/HOUSE INCUMBENT                             
              COLUMNS 694  - 694                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 9                                                 

        PARTY ID OF RESPONDENT AND HOUSE INCUMBENT                            
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        This variable has been created from R's party ID (VCF0301) and        
        from type of congressional race (VCF0902).  The respondent has        
        been considered a "Democrat" if s/he was coded as a 'strong           
        Democrat,' a 'weak Democrat,' or a Democratic leaner in VCF0301;      
        the respondent has been considered a "Republican" if s/he was         
        coded as a 'strong Republican,' a 'weak Republican,' or a             
        Republican leaner in VCF0301.                                         
        Note that for 1992 redistricted LA06 (2 Republican 'incumbents'       
        neither of whom had previously represented the geographic area) this  
        variable has been coded INAP 9.                                       
        WARNING:  In years prior to 1978, no 'type of race' var was present in
        NES datasets.  Data were added, however, to 'type of race' cumulative 
        file var 902 for 1970, 1974 and 1976 using a lengthy case-by-case     
        procedure.  Although the resultant 'type of race' data have been      
        checked to some extent, the possibility of some error must be         
        recognized:  the 'type of race' established for 1970, 1974 and 1976-- 
        and, as a further result, data in VCF1004 and VCF1005 for 1970, 1974  
        and 1976 (which have been built using type-of-race data)-- should be  
        used with caution and at the user's risk.  If you find errors, please 
        notify NES staff.                                                     
               1.   R IS:Democrat;   INCUMBENT:Democrat                       
               2.   R IS:Republican; INCUMBENT:Republican                     
               3.   R IS:Democrat;   INCUMBENT:Republican                     
               4.   R IS:Republican; INCUMBENT:Democrat                       
               9.   R does not have major party partisanship or NA if has     
                    major party partisanship; INAP, no incumbent running;     
                    Washington D.C.; California (1974 only: due to            
                    redistricting type of race could not be determined);      
                    incumbent is not member of major party (1994)             
               0.   INAP, question not used                                   
        1970:  184             1974:  2204         1976:  3174                
        1978:  4,433           1980:  266,740      1982:  6,291               
        1984:  59,318          1986:  43,300       1988:  50,274              
        1990:  58,320          1992:  3021,3634    1994:  17,665              
        1996:  960420,960097   1998:  980339,980065                           

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001