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VAR CF0125    HEAD S.E.S. RANK                                                
              COLUMNS 122  - 123                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 98                                                

        DUNCAN S.E.S SCORE FOR HEAD                                           
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        These ratings were based on 1960 U.S. Census Occupation codes.  This  
        2-digit code has no implied decimal points.                           
        SEE APPENDIX "OCCUPATION S.E.S SCORES 1968-1974" and                  
               98.  Head is member of armed forces or former member; Head's   
                    occupation has no S.E.S. code (tobacco manufacturers)     
               99.  NA if Head is working now/ has ever worked; Head's        
                    occupation is NA                                          
               00.  INAP; Head is housewife, student (or student with job),   
                    unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, or "handles own
                    investments only"(1966-1968);Head is nonworking housewife,
                    nonworking student, permanently disabled, "handles own    
                    investments only" (1970); Head is nonworking              
                    housewife/student who has not worked in past 12 months, or
                    is working housewife/ student but working less than 20 hrs
                    per week, or Head has never worked(unemployed or disabled)
                    or "handles own investments only"(1972, 1974);question not
        1966:  204         1968:  171            1970:  301,313(type 0)       
        1972:  333,345     1974:  2470,2482                                   

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001