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VAR CF0910    R CONTACT W/ HOUSE RUNNING INCUMBENT                            
              COLUMNS 578  - 578                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 9                                                 

        There are many ways in which (U.S. Representatives/congressional      
        candidates) can have contact with the people from their districts.  On
        this page are some of these ways.                                     
        Think of <incumbent candidate> (who has been the U.S. Representative/ 
        who ran for the U.S. House of Representatives) from this district.    
        Have you come into contact with or learned anything about (him/her)   
        through any of these ways? (LIST SHOWN TO R)                          
        CONTACT WITH HOUSE INCUMBENT                                          
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        The 1982 dataset included 2 sets of contact vars for 2 running        
        incumbents due to redistricting in two congressional districts (19    
        cases affected).  For this year, the incumbent who represented R's    
        sampling location BEFORE the 1982 redistricting has been considered   
        R's 'incumbent' for Cumulative Data File definition.  The other       
        candidate, the incumbent previously representing another Congressional
        district (i.e., not previously representing the district of R's sample
        location)  has been considered the 'challenger' to the running        
        incumbent.  See notes VCF0902 describing congressional districts      
        affected and designation of candidates as "the incumbent" and         
        "the challenger" in these cases.                                      
        Note that for 1992 redistricted LA06 (2 Republican 'incumbents'       
        neither of whom had previously represented the geographic area)       
        variables 910-918 have been coded INAP 0.                             
        NOTE: VCF0910-918 have not been altered as a result of corrections to 
        1978 data for type of House race (see notes VCF0902).                 
        Districts in which the respondent's U.S. House Representative was not 
        running for re-election have been coded 0.                            
        For 1984:  if R was in a district where no incumbent was running BUT  
        the interview administered was a telephone IW, then VCF0910-917 have  
        been coded 9, not 0.  If R was in a district where no incumbent was   
        running BUT the interview administered was an abbreviated telephone   
        IW, then VCF0918 has been coded 9, not 0.                             
               1. Yes                                                         
               5. No, no contact at all                                       
               9. NA; INAP, no post IW (1980,1984,1988,1992); Washington D.C.;
                  IW (1984); short form IW (1992); question not used          
               0. No incumbent candidate running                              
        1978:  782033                   1980:  800918                         
        1982:  820176,820213,820223     1984:  840936                         
        1986:  860220                   1988:  880715                         
        1990:  900238                   1992:  925502,925513                  
        1994:  940502,940513                                                  

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001