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VAR CF0740    DID R CONTRIBUTE TO POLITICAL PARTY                             
              COLUMNS 507  - 507                                              
              MD EQ 0

        1980-1986 intro:  Apart from contributions to specific candidates, how
        about contributions to any of the political parties (1984, 1986: a    
        "political party organization")?                                      
        All years:  Did you give money to a political party during this       
        election year?                                                        
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        In 1984 and 1986 only , R was first asked a more generalized filter   
        question about contributions to support campaigns:                    
           1984: As you know, during an election year people are often asked  
           to make a contribution to support campaigns.  During the last year 
           did you give any money to an  ndividual candidate, a political     
           party organization, people supporting a ballot proposition, or to a
           particular issue or interest group?                                
           1986:  As you know, during an election year people are often asked 
           to make a contribution to support campaigns.  During the past year 
           did you give any money to an individual candidate, or to a         
           political party organization?                                      
        If R responded "no" to this filter question, then VCF0740 has been    
        coded 2 in 1984/1986.  If the filter question was MD, then VCF0740    
        in 1984/1986. has been coded 0.                                       
               1.  Yes                                                        
               2.  No                                                         
               0.  DK; NA; INAP, no post IW (1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996);   
                   abbrev. telephone IW (1984); question not used             
        1980:  811        1982:  490     1984:  825,826                       
        1986:  320,323    1988:  832     1990:  373                           
        1992:  5817       1994:  814     1996:  961171                        
        1998:  980367                                                         

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001