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VAR CF0703    DID R REGISTER AND VOTE                                         
              COLUMNS 470  - 470                                              
              MD EQ 0

        SUMMARY:  DID R REGISTER AND VOTE                                     
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        Derived from:                                                         
          VCF0702          vote variable and                                  
          VCF0701/VCF0737  registration variable                              
        (VCF0701 pre-election var for 1952-1976,1980; VCF0737, post-election  
        var for 1978, 1982-later).                                            
        For 1952 cases without pre-election interviews, post-election data    
        from VCF0737 have been used.                                          
        All respondents who reported voting have been coded 3, regardless of  
        whether they actually reported being registered.  No registration     
        variable at all was present in 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970 or 1974.        
        Note that in some years a few respondents have declared that          
        registration was not required in their state; these cases have been   
        included with 'registered' in the recode.                             
            1.  Not registered, and did not vote                              
            2.  Registered, but did not vote                                  
            3.  Voted (registered)                                            
            0.  DK/NA if voted; DK/NA whether registered (includes            
                1960 nonvoter cases without pre IWs  and 1972 Form II         
                nonvoters); INAP, no post IW 1952, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972,    
                1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996); refused to say if voted; 
                Washington D.C. (presidential years only); question(s) not    
        1952:  77,178       1956:  98,203         1960:  99,201               
        1964:  158,286      1968:  131,310        1972:  164,477              
        1976:  3032,3655    1978:  484,470        1980:  134,988              
        1982:  519,501      1984:  783,802        1986:  261,276              
        1988:  756,757      1990:  279,280        1992:  5601,5602            
        1994:  601,602      1996:  961074,961075  1998:  980303,980304        

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001