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VAR CF0307    R MOTHER PARTY ID                                               
              COLUMNS 235  - 235                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 9                                                 

        (1970,1988,1990:  When you were growing up) Did she/ your mother      
        (1988,1992: or stepmother) think of himself mostly as a Democrat, as a
        Republican, or what?                                                  
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        In 1956-1968,1972,1976, this question followed the question about     
        R's mother's interest in politics  (SEE VCF0309):                     
        "Do you remember when you were growing up whether your mother was very
        much interested in politics, somewhat interested, or didn't she pay   
        much attention to it?"                                                
        In 1972, if R's response to the preceding question was DK or NA, then 
        this question was not asked and VCF0306 has been coded 0.             
        Prior to 1972, code 2 was a volunteered code only.                    
        In 1988 only, DK was combined with "other" codes (code 4).            
           1.  Democrat                                                       
           2.  Independent                                                    
           3.  Republican                                                     
           4.  Other; minor party; apolitical; never voted, didn't get        
               into politics; parents refused to say; DK (1988 only);         
               mother not a U.S. citizen; no women's suffrage (prior to 1972  
           9.  DK (exc. 1988)                                                 
           0.  NA; INAP, no pre IW (1952); R had no mother/mother             
               substitute; no post IW (1988,1992); DK/NA mother's interest    
               in politics (1972 only); question not used                     
        1952:  69         1958:  71          1964:  153                       
        1968:  126        1970:  193(type 0) 1972:  155                       
        1976:  3204       1978:  440         1980:  356                       
        1988:  1116       1992:  6244                                         

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001