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VAR 000317 A5a. Does R like anything about Bush

VAR 000317    A5a. Does R like anything about Bush
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 8
              COLUMNS:  1052 - 1052


       Is there anything in particular about Texas Governor
       George W. Bush that might make you want to vote for him?

       The order of the A4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about
       Gore) and the A5 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about GW
       Bush) was randomized.

       Randomization:  Randomization is documented within the
       collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of
       the Pre survey vars.  The question numbers for randomization
       variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by
       "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization
       variable Rand.A4/A5].

       1. YES
       5. NO           --> SKIP TO A5c

       8. DON'T KNOW   --> SKIP TO A5c
       9. RF
       0. NA

                      1        5        8        9
                   -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     822      970       13        2


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001