FORM 4.0 (Jun 30 2012) 64-bits Run: Mon Feb 4 11:47:30 2013 * Title: POINT CHARGE: * retarded and advanced Poynting vector * for acceleration fields * File: poynting.frm * Author: David N. Williams * License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike * Started: August 24, 2012 * Revised: August 24-26,28, 2012 * * All parts of this program not in the public domain are: * * Copyright (C) 2012 David N. Williams * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- * Share Alike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit * or send a letter * to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San * Francisco, California, 94105, USA. * * Input: none * Output: log file #if 0 This program computes the Poynting vector for the retarded and advanced E and B acceleration fields for a point charge. The results are well-known. We use Gaussian units. All vectors are ret/adv (short for retarded/advanced), the Lorentz metric is (+---), and four- vector indices have the values 0,12,3. NOTATION c speed of light R source to field light cone displacement four-vector u source four-velocity a source four-acceleration R0, etc. time components E,B three-vector electric, magnetic fields S Poynting vector, c/4pi E x B R.u, etc. three-vector dot products RDu ,etc. four-vector dot products RESULTS [E.E] = [B.B], [E.B] = 0 S(i) = R(i)*R0*[c/4pi][|RDu|]^-6 * ( - RDu^2*aDa - c^2*RDa^2 ) Note that sgn(R0) = sgn(RDu) is +/- for ret/adv. That the last factor in S(i) is Lorentz invariant is not surprising because in the covariant energy-momentum tensor T^{i0} = T^{0i} = 1/4pi (E x B)^i must be composed of three-vector and time components multiplied by Lorentz scalars. In the local ret/adv rest frame, u = {c,0), a = (0,a'), and R = (R0',R'), so - (RDu)^2 aDa - c^2 (RDa)^2 = c^2 (R0'^2 a'.a' - (R'.a')^2 ) >= 0 , since |R0'| = |R'|. Hence the radiation is being emitted/ absorbed when the fields are ret/adv, corresponding to sgn(R0). #endif *** DEBUGGING #procedure try Print +s; .end #endprocedure *** DECLARATIONS off statistics; Dimension 3; S c,[c/4pi],R0,u0,a0,RDu,RDa,uDu,aDa,[|RDu|]; I i,j,k,m,n; V R,u,a; * dummies V v1,v2; .global *** MODULES G Ef(i) = RDa*( R0*u(i) - u0*R(i) ) - RDu*( R0*a(i) - a0*R(i) ); G Bf(i) = RDa*e_(i,j,k)*R(j)*u(k) - RDu*e_(i,j,k)*R(j)*a(k); G En(i) = -c^2*( R0*u(i) -u0*R(i) ); G Bn(i) = -c^2*e_(i,j,k)*R(j)*u(k); Multiply [|RDu|]^-3; .store G [Ef.Ef] = Ef(i)*Ef(i); G [Bf.Bf] = Bf(i)*Bf(i); G [Ef.Bf] = Ef(i)*Bf(i); G [Ef.Ef-Bf.Bf] = [Ef.Ef] - [Bf.Bf]; G [En.En] = En(i)*En(i); G [Bn.Bn] = Bn(i)*Bn(i); G [En.Bn] = En(i)*Bn(i); G [En.En-Bn.Bn] = [En.En] - [Bn.Bn]; Contract; Id RDu = R0*u0 - R.u; Id RDa = R0*a0 - R.a; Id u.a = u0*a0; Id R.R = R0*R0; Id u.u = -c^2 + u0*u0; .sort S [RiR0],[Riu0],[uiR0]; G Sf(i) = [c/4pi]*e_(i,j,k)*Ef(j)*Bf(k); G Sn(i) = [c/4pi]*e_(i,j,k)*En(j)*Bn(k); Contract; Id u.a = u0*a0; Id R.R = R0*R0; Id u.u = -c^2 + u0*u0; Id a.a = -aDa + a0*a0; Id R.u = -RDu + R0*u0; Id RDa = R0*a0 - R.a; Id R.a^2 = RDa^2 - R0^2*a0^2 + 2*R.a*R0*a0; Id R(i)*R0 = [RiR0]; Id R(i)*u0 = [Riu0]; Id u(i)*R0 = [uiR0]; .sort B [RiR0],[Riu0],[uiR0],[c/4pi],[|RDu|]; Print; .end [Ef.Ef] = + [|RDu|]^-6 * ( - R0^2*RDu^2*aDa - c^2*R0^2*RDa^2 ); [Bf.Bf] = + [|RDu|]^-6 * ( - R0^2*RDu^2*aDa - c^2*R0^2*RDa^2 ); [Ef.Bf] = 0; [Ef.Ef-Bf.Bf] = 0; [En.En] = + [|RDu|]^-6 * ( 2*c^4*R0*u0*RDu - c^6*R0^2 ); [Bn.Bn] = + [|RDu|]^-6 * ( - c^4*RDu^2 + 2*c^4*R0*u0*RDu - c^6*R0^2 ); [En.Bn] = 0; [En.En-Bn.Bn] = + [|RDu|]^-6 * ( c^4*RDu^2 ); Sf(i) = + [c/4pi]*[|RDu|]^-6*[RiR0] * ( - RDu^2*aDa - c^2*RDa^2 ); Sn(i) = + [c/4pi]*[|RDu|]^-6*[uiR0] * ( c^4*RDu ) + [c/4pi]*[|RDu|]^-6*[Riu0] * ( c^4*RDu ) + [c/4pi]*[|RDu|]^-6*[RiR0] * ( - c^6 ); 0.00 sec out of 0.00 sec