Change log for ttester-xf.fs, xtester.fs, ftester.fs, xftester.fs, xftester-test.fs, xtester-errors.fs, ftester-errors.fs, xfarray-test.fs The change log for tester-display.fs is contained in that file. Unattributed changes are by David N. Williams. Revision dates in the above files may reflect cosmetic changes not recorded here. Version 1.4.3 18Jan21 * Renamed all xT-AA= words as xT-A=. 19Jan21 * Updated preamble in xftester-test.fs, added HAS-FLOATING test. 20Jan21 * Added INCLUDE conditionals in xftester-test.fs. 22Jan21 * Removed PFE-HOST fp loading from xftester-test.fs and xfarray-test.fs. Version 1.4.2 25Sep20 * Rewrote the definition of HAS-FLOATING in xftester.fs and in the logical fp driver part of ttester-xf.fs, removing ENVIRONMENT? in favor of [UNDEFINED] F+. Added [UNDEFINED] bootstrap to keep minimlal CORE dependence. No version number bump in other files. 26Sep20 * Replaced F+ by F~ in the above conditional. It's actually critical for ftester. 29Sep20 * Restored F+ in the above conditionals. It's more basic, and we ran across a system we couldn't test because its F~ was broken. * Made VERBOSE conditionaly defined in ttester-xf.fs and xftester.fs, for flexibility in the placement of utilities like tester-display.fs. * Made FT-DATUM= conditionally defined in ttester-xf.fs and ftester.fs. Bumped version of ftester.fs to 1.4.2. Version 1.4.0 24May17 * Replaced XT-A<> and FT-A<> by a more transparent implementation of XT-A= and FT-A=, and adjusted }X and }F, as well as ttester-xfarray-test, and ttester-xf-test.fs. 25May17 * Fixed one-off index bug for red report of element comparison error in XT-FANCY-A. and FT-FANCY-A in xtester-errors.fs and ftester-errors.fs. Added two tests to ttester-xf-test.fs to highlight that. 28May17 * Removed xtester-errors.fs and ftester-errors.fs log entries from those files and integrated them into this file. * Bumped version numbers of xtester-errors.fs and ftestor-errors.fs, no change in code. * Renamed ttester-xfarray-test.fs as xfarray-test.fs. * Made the fp part of xfarray-test.fs conditional on HAS-FLOATING. 31May17 * Updated xfarray-test.fs and ttester-xf-test.fs to use updated tester-display.fs. * Made the fp part of ttester-xf-test.fs conditional on HAS-FLOATING, and added a conditional to skip exception tests when CATCH is undefined. * Renamed ttester-xf-test.fs as xftester-test.fs, and ttester-xf.log as xftester.log. 01Jun17 * Updated file names in comments. 02Jun17 * Added .XT-ERRORS and .FT-ERRORS to xtester-errors.fs and ftester-errors.fs. 06Jan18 * Added XT-AA= and FT-AA= plus tests to xfarray-test.fs, and removed XT-A<> and FT-A<>. 11Jan18 * Revised XT-AA= and FT-AA=, in all relevant testers and tester tests covered by this log, to find the deepest instead of topmost unequal data first. The original Hayes and ttester.fs implement topmost first. Deepmost first corresponds to the order of execution of the code which produces the results and goals in the tests, and is the same as the usual left to right order in stack pictures. There is no functional effect when results and goals all agree. 12Jan18 * Revised the commentary in xtester, ftester, ttester-xf, and xftester, including the notation for stack effects. 17Jan18 * Added a display test to xftester-test.fs for completeness of coverage between results and goals. 31Jan18 * Removed XT-A= and FXT-A= from xftester-test.fs and updated XT-AA= and FT-AA=. * Renamed: old new FT-ABS-ERROR FT-ABS-TOLERANCE FT-REL-ERROR FT-REL-TOLERANCE FT-AREL-ERROR FT-AREL-TOLERANCE * Removed LEGACY COMPARISONS section, i.e., the comparisons that ttester uses. That means xftester can no longer be made exactly compatible with ttester. 01Feb18 * Removed legacy comparisons from xftester-test. * Renamed: old new TEST-ABS-ERR TEST-ABS-TOL TEST-REL-ERR TEST-REL-TOL TEST-AREL-ERR TEST-AREL-TOL * Fixed a bug in the FACOS test example in the introduction to ftester and xftester. As a pure fp stack test, it was leaving flags on the data stack. Added the corrected example to xftester-test. * Added tests of FT-AA= for persistence of the order for measured versus reference comparisons when FT-ERROR-XT is set to FT-REL=. 03Feb18 * Revised explanatory material in ttester-xf, xtester, and ftester, and removed most of it from the xftester driver. Improved stack comments and error messages. * Declared legacy comparisons as deprecated in ttester-xf, and removed them from xftester and ftester. * Removed xfarray-test from the collection. All of its tests are included in xftester-test. 24Nov19 * Adjusted output spacing in xtester-errors.fs and ftester-errors.fs. Version 1.3.1 31Jan11 * Adjusted array indices to zero base, suggested by Krishna Myneni. * Removed "Unexpected" from ?.XT-ERRORS in xtester-errors.fs, added XT-FANCY-A and XT-ERROR3. * Removed "Unexpected" from ?.FT-ERRORS, renamed FT-A. and FT-ERROR2 as FT-FANCY-A. and FT-ERROR3, added less fancy display in FT-A. and FT-ERROR2. 01Feb11 * Added a workaround in one of the tests for what appears to be a 1 ulp decimal conversion discrepancy between pfe/gforth and IFORTH. 05Feb11 * Revised stack effect comments for zero base index. Version 1.3.0 17Jan11 * Former ttester-xf.fs renamed as a xftester.fs; ttester-xf.fs is now a consolidation of xftester.fs, xtester.fs, and ftester.fs into one file. * Extracted xtester-errors.fs and ftester-errors.fs from ttester-xf-test.fs. * Added Krishna Myneni's FT-REL0= and SET-FT-MODE-REL0 to ftester and ttester-xf, with tests in ttester-xf-test. 31Jan11 * Wordsmithing, including clarification of PUBLIC and PRIVATE. Version 1.2.1 29Nov10 * Fixed compensating bugs in FT-REL= and FT-A<>. Each reversed the order of measured and reference values. * Updated FT-A<> in ttester-xfarray-test. * Added test for correct order of FT-REL= inputs in ttester-xf-test, and for correct order of results and goals with SET-FT-MODE-REL. 30Nov10 * Made initial ?.CR in ttester-xf-test and ttester-xfarray explicit, no longer in tester-display. 03Dec10 * Moved to public interface: FT-DATUM= FT-ABS= FT-REL= FT-AREL= 05Dec10 * Replace a -> in ttester-xf-test by F->. 07Dec10 * Fixed two cases in ttester-xf-test where DEPTH should have been FDEPTH in exception tests. Version 1.2.0 21Nov10 * Significant update. Bumped all version numbers to 1.2.0. * New fp comparisons, suggested by Krishna Myneni, in ftester. 22Nov10 * Updated ttester-xf-test and ttester-xfarray-test and added tests for new words. More elaborate error reporting example in ttester-xf-test uses FT-ERROR-INDEX. Version 1.0.2 30Oct10 * Extracted xtester.fs from ttester-xf.fs. * Replaced [TTUNDEF] by [UNDEFINED]. * Changed from headless to counted array format. * Added XT-GOALS array. 31Oct10 * Extensive renaming, for consistency and uglification. The user interface remains compatible with ttester except for user-defined error reporting. * Made separate error words for the data stack. * Redid xarray tests in ttester-xfarray-test.fs. * Extracted ftester.fs from ttester-xf.fs. * Did fp revisions analogous to x revisions. 01Nov10 * Passed ttester-xfarray-test. * Redid ttester-xf.fs, now just a driver that defines VERBOSE and TESTING, loads xtester.fs and ftester.fs, and defines T{, ->, and }T as composites. * Redid ttester-xf-test.fs, including new goals arrays. * Added array printing words XT-A. and FT-A. to ttester-xf-test.fs, used there in example error-reporting words to display results and goals. * Tests passed. 02Nov10 * Added array overrun tests for XT-A! and FT-A!. * Revised commentary. 08Nov10 * Fixed several typos. 16Nov10 * Removed explicit color display support in ttester-xfarray-test and ttester-xf-test and included tester-display.fs. Version 1.0.1 20Sep10 * F2DUP and F2DROP conditionally compiled, iForth defines them. Version 1.0.0 09Feb10 * Preliminary start from gforth cvs version 1.1.6 of ttester.fs. 21Aug10 * Separated ttester-xf prototype from ttester. 29Aug10 * Removed integrated stack support. * Factored error reporting to uncouple data and fp stacks. * Vectorized FNEARLY=. 30Aug10 * Made factors for data and fp initial and result arrays. * Added array bounds checks. 31Aug10 * Complete rewrite. 01Sep10 * Prototype for ttester-xf-test.fs. 02Sep10 * Extracted array tests into ttester-xfarray-test.fs. * Added more F tests. 03Sep10 * Added exception and error tests. * Made separate X words for the data stack, and orthogonal X and F sections. Defined T{ -> }T as combinations of X and F. * Added tests for FNEARLY= vector. 05Sep10 * Tested downward compatibility with ttester, revised commentary. 06Sep10 * Tweaked, tests passed with gforth, pfe, and iForth. * Released. 07Sep10 * Added comments to F-> and }F.