Change log for ttester-xf.fs xtester.fs, xftester.fs, ftester.fs, xfester.fs, ttester-xf-test.fs, and ttester-xfarray-test.fs. Unattributed changes are by David N. Williams. Revision dates in the above files may reflect cosmetic changes not recorded here. Version 1.3.1 31Jan11 * Adjusted array indices to zero base, suggested by Krishna Myneni. 1Feb11 * Added a workaround in one of the tests for what appears to be a 1 ulp decimal conversion discrepancy between pfe/gforth and IFORTH. 5Feb11 * Revised stack effect comments for zero base index. Version 1.3.0 17Jan11 * Former ttester-xf.fs renamed as a xftester.fs; ttester-xf.fs is now a consolidation of xftester.fs, xtester.fs, and ftester.fs into one file. * Extracted xtester-errors.fs and ftester-errors.fs from ttester-xf-test.fs. * Added Krishna Myneni's FT-REL0= and SET-FT-MODE-REL0 to ftester and ttester-xf, with tests in ttester-xf-test. 31Jan11 * Wordsmithing, including clarification of PUBLIC and PRIVATE. Version 1.2.1 29Nov10 * Fixed compensating bugs in FT-REL= and FT-A<>. Each reversed the order of measured and reference values. * Updated FT-A<> in ttester-xfarray-test. * Added test for correct order of FT-REL= inputs in ttester-xf-test, and for correct order of results and goals with SET-FT-MODE-REL. 30Nov10 * Made initial ?.CR in ttester-xf-test and ttester-xfarray explicit, no longer in tester-display. 3Dec10 * Moved to public interface: FT-DATUM= FT-ABS= FT-REL= FT-AREL= 5Dec10 * Replace a -> in ttester-xf-test by F->. 7Dec10 * Fixed two cases in ttester-xf-test where DEPTH should have been FDEPTH in exception tests. Version 1.2.0 21Nov10 * Significant update. Bumped all version numbers to 1.2.0. * New fp comparisons, suggested by Krishna Myneni, in ftester. 22Nov10 * Updated ttester-xf-test and ttester-xfarray-test and added tests for new words. More elaborate error reporting example in ttester-xf-test uses FT-ERROR-INDEX. Version 1.0.2 30Oct10 * Extracted xtester.fs from ttester-xf.fs. * Replaced [TTUNDEF] by [UNDEFINED]. * Changed from headless to counted array format. * Added XT-GOALS array. 31Oct10 * Extensive renaming, for consistency and uglification. The user interface remains compatible with ttester except for user-defined error reporting. * Made separate error words for the data stack. * Redid xarray tests in ttester-xfarray-test.fs. * Extracted ftester.fs from ttester-xf.fs. * Did fp revisions analogous to x revisions. 1Nov10 * Passed ttester-xfarray-test. * Redid ttester-xf.fs, now just a driver that defines VERBOSE and TESTING, loads xtester.fs and ftester.fs, and defines T{, ->, and }T as composites. * Redid ttester-xf-test.fs, including new goals arrays. * Added array printing words XT-A. and FT-A. to ttester-xf-test.fs, used there in example error-reporting words to display results and goals. * Tests passed. 2Nov10 * Added array overrun tests for XT-A! and FT-A!. * Revised commentary. 8Nov10 * Fixed several typos. 16Nov10 * Removed explicit color display support in ttester-xfarray-test and ttester-xf-test and included tester-display.fs. Version 1.0.1 20Sep10 * F2DUP and F2DROP conditionally compiled, iForth defines them. Version 1.0.0 09Feb10 * Preliminary start from gforth cvs version 1.1.6 of ttester.fs. 21Aug10 * Separated ttester-xf prototype from ttester. 29Aug10 * Removed integrated stack support. * Factored error reporting to uncouple data and fp stacks. * Vectorized FNEARLY=. 30Aug10 * Made factors for data and fp initial and result arrays. * Added array bounds checks. 31Aug10 * Complete rewrite. 01Sep10 * Prototype for ttester-xf-test.fs. 02Sep10 * Extracted array tests into ttester-xfarray-test.fs. * Added more F tests. 03Sep10 * Added exception and error tests. * Made separate X words for the data stack, and orthogonal X and F sections. Defined T{ -> }T as combinations of X and F. * Added tests for FNEARLY= vector. 05Sep10 * Tested downward compatibility with ttester, revised commentary. 06Sep10 * Tweaked, tests passed with gforth, pfe, and iForth. * Released. 07Sep10 * Added comments to F-> and }F.