Changelog for execution-ext.c Unattributed changes are by David N. Williams. Last revision dates in source files may reflect cosmetic changes not recorded here. Version 0.6.2 17Jul02 * Made into a 0.32.xx pfe module. * Changed references to }CREATE-EXEC and }}CREATE-EXEC to }CREATE-EXECS and }}CREATE-EXECS. * Changed file names to execution-ext.c, etc., and lib name to `execution`. * Changed names I-EXEC and IJ-EXEC to (I-EXEC) and (IJ-EXEC). 2Aug06 * Added (p4char*) cast to avoid gcc 4.0.1 warning. Version 0.6.1 25Feb01 * Start pfe port. 30Mar01 * Last change. M680x0 ^Forth Version 27Aug96 * Start. 21Mar98 * Last change to 4th.a primitives.