PRODUCTION NOTES The files in this directory (docsrc) are the LaTeX2e source for cstruct.pdf and cstructpr.pdf. The first of these is configured for on-screen viewing, and contains links produced with the hyperref package. The page size of 6.2"x5.5" is aimed at having an entire page on the screen at a readable resolution. The second is configured for double-sided printing on 8.5"x11" paper, suitable for a loose-leaf notebook. Our initial hope was to produce instead a PDF version for printing and an HTML version for viewing, from the same LaTeX source. The only complex formating is one simple table; there is no mathematics. We were attracted by Ian Hutchinson's TtH program, which can be used as a LaTeX to HTML filter; but unfortunately we didn't read the documentation early enough to constrain our LaTeX source properly. We remain impressed by TtH and hope to give it another try later. We got quite a bit further with Eitan Gurari's TeX4ht, which without tweaking produced HTML output that we could have edited into shape by hand. But we put that off for another day. Perhaps the moral is that we should have used texinfo instead of LaTeX, since we understand it to be constrained enough as is for HTML output. Unfortunately, we are familiar with LaTeX and unfamiliar with texinfo. We used LaTeX 2000.1.28, hyperref 6.67h, dvips 5.86d, all with CMacTex 3.5, along with Adobe Distiller 3.02 for the Macintosh. We did not succeed in getting the hypperref pagebackref option to work properly, possibly because our bibliography entries are complicated by the two output configurations. We had to work around a problem in Distiller 3.02 which is probably well-known (at least we don't *think* the problem is elsewhere in the chain). Namely, its page-size job option reverses the width and height when we set them to 6.2" and 5.5", respectively, whereas it works fine for 8.5" and 11", respectively. The solution is to make the width in Distiller 5.5" and the height 6.2". The PDF output then shows the proper 6.2" width and 5.5" height in Acrobat Reader 3.01 and 4.0.5. July 16, 2000