St. Patrick's Day Quote List
aka, The Pooh Tour Quote List

March 17, 1997

Perps: Jennie Hayes, Amy Hull, Valerie Meachum

I have large bottles of random drugs.

Sixteen sucked.

Oh, I enjoyed it. Once.
Sixteen sucked.

It's that Jack thing that doesn't get it.

Well, he deserved to die for creating the Daleks.

Can you just feel all the little quote spirits hovering over your head, waiting to dive-bomb?

Crazy people can be actors, too.

It's my hobby. This is how I relax from the chemicals.

It ws the juxtaposition of NatPack and Knightie that accomplished that--the connection between those being the word "guilt."

We'll pray. We'll do magic. We'll do anything.

I'll volunteer to get the NatPack arrested.

If we could find a way to get around getting locked up in order to break out.

You move fast and bounce alot. But I've never seen anyone coming at me whose feet I swore weren't touching the ground.

The man can be walking by you and his voice will be distorted by Doppler effect.

I don't speak hardware.

Oh, there's a NatPacker out there--speaking of guilt--that I haven't gotten back to yet.

Well, by the time I can hear it, it's blare by your standards.

Do not sift this in my brain. Thank you.

I'm picturing LaCroix as a planter now.

He was lying through his pointy little teeth.

That was glaring, shiny, spangly bullshit.

"Think about this. I'm a NatPacker, and it's my twenty-eighth birthday. That's just begging the fates to throw me a screwball." It was the ultimate quote list dream.

I don't like tragedy.

That's your right. I have a ridiculous taste for it.
But it's sad.

There are Johns on this list and they're all morons.