NatPack New Year's Party ('96/'97) Quote List

Guilty Parties: Bast, Nancy D., Jennie Hayes, Amy Hull, Tara O'Shea, Shari S., Amanda Thomas, Missy Wilson

Oooh, hot, not interested in putting that in my mouth right now.

They dumbed down a soap opera?

You're yelling at the screensaver.

Hey, it looks sentient!

That'll be something we hang on the wall with a plaque.... "The Clue Bat, Mark I"

I am picturing an actor who I think that I think it is.

Where's the Magic Movie Book?

So, Ian McKlellan is the Queen of England.

No, John Hurt is the Queen of England. I'm afraid people would come into my group of friends and say, "How fucking weird!"
But that's a good thing!

Here, have a nana, catch it or it will hit you.

I don't know why the cows go bungee jumping, because ninety percent of them die.

See, Tara's under the blanket because she can't stand watching.

Randi comes out of the closet the entire episode.

She can't do anything in that skirt unless it's made of lycra.

It's made of lycra.

I have no retention, obviously.

I retain water!

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick!

Excuse me, stigmata are not conducive to bicycle pedaling.

Jesus H on toast!

Moliere was sitcoms before there were sitcoms.

You have a human calculator volunteer.

Life is a word problem.

It is pure, distilled UST, though.

I started paging through the smut at work.

Things to beat, people to do.

While I do often say that I'm a human quote generator, you really don't have to write down everything I say.

What can we introduce Scott to that will take him off our hands?

A blowtorch!
And an alibi.

Are you pregnant? ....No? ....Are you sure?

....If I am, you'd better call the pope.

If your continued existence requires me to act like a five-year-old and suck...

Happy Last Day of the Year!

If I put on my shoes, I'll be able to think.

Tara was his first.

That's what cheese is there for--to lubricate shit.

Does your coffee go through into your coffee?

You said, "Oooh, chocolate." I saw bloody meat.

I get to hack at unsuspecting nuts.

Diane.... That starts with a "D."

Hi, my blood chemistry changed so light bends around me.

Ironic, bitter, Nick and Nat story (post LK) based on Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything for Love"...

God's a member of the Mafia.

That's got to be obnoxious, if it's bothering you and you can't touch it.

I'm suddenly going, "Where's the bien?"

It would have been interesting if he'd turned to the rapist and bit her too.

I just don't go down that far because I run into breasts.

Why are all of our quote lists about breasts?

The story isn't over till the fat lady sings. Oh, wait, that happened in Act 2.

The sink is possessed. It just gurgled at me.

I could see Pack doing Yoda for about 2 seconds.

Oh! It glows in the dark. It thought you said Lois and Clark.

Did you mean to have a protein in that sentence?

Mph umph....uh uh.

Don't take the long, thin thing out of Amy's mouth.

I'm trying to figure out where I want my mouth to be.

I'm getting sticky.

Yeah, I was gonna say, "Oh, Ms. Corpse."

She was goth before there was goth...long before there was goth.

Smurf Sex is still outrageously funny.

It's hard to survive murder.

So, basically, you coud fly to the moon with a Game Boy.

I'm so happy I know you! Oh, I can't breathe.

I shovelled the lake.

Let me get out of the way of the humans.

Look at it this way: you make a turn, you get clean windows.

What more could you need out of life?

I don't eat orange, but I eat red and purple.

Oh, this is not going to be another breast quote list, is it?

We're going to stand here and be a source of annoyance and entertainment.

Oh, cool!

I don't wnat children; I have friends who act like children for me.

Sorry, I was grabbing for Amy.

Okay, I want to know who bounced my bread.

She's wet. Why is she wet?

Affable! Affable! He's affable!

Jennie has a bouncing Nat.

That's slightly anal.

<offended> Slightly??!!

What happened to the Sony boxes?

Suzanne's pig ate them.

There's a Sony label on a Maxel tape!

If there are tapes in my room, they are definitely not out here.

I thought they looked good up there. <drop>

I think they look good down there.

Yes! Sex! Sex is good!

Sex is good; sex is fun. We're the class of '91!



Okay, butter would be bad in this situation.

Where are we?

We're in a living room.

Don't make me hurt you!

If you're good and you read this, I'll let you read the sex.

In that case, I'm reading this. I'm easy.

Amy, you're being compulsive.

Yes, I am, and it makes me happy.

They could break off pieces of the glass houses and stab you with them.

Or they could walk around naked and scare you to death.

I've done so many trys in their office I wasn't supposed to do.

A guy named Susan would turn a few heads.

Tara loves actors in a very different way.

I have to make a tremendous effort not to be frightening.

I think he's gay.

Well, maybe he's just English.

Speak softly and carry big underwear.

Let's watch television; it's a new year, let's start it right.