He Said Always...He Said Never

Part Nine

The five of them spilled into the darkened theater. They soon discovered why this region of the neighborhood had been so empty; every seat was taken, occupied by a person staring enraptured not at the silver screen but at the luminous presence on the stage beneath it.

Bon Bon Hai stood at the focal point of the room, the stolen book of Shambhalla clutched to his chest, reciting his seductive litany of evil. His eyes were wide, the whites glowing in the enveloping gloom, his lips stretched taut in an endless, insane grin.

Even Peter was brought up short by the unearthly appearance of their adversary, and he saw his father's hands rise in a defensive position though Bon Bon Hai hadn't yet spotted them deep in the shadows of the theater's entrance. Dief tensed, lips baring the sharp canines he knew how to utilize to their best advantage.

"Oh, dear," Fraser murmured.

Bon Bon Hai continued to cast his power over the spellbound audience, his free hand gesticulating wildly. A wind whipped up, tossing candy wrappers and soft drink cups through the air. The lights began to flicker madly. And then he saw them.

He giggled. "You think you have caught me, Kwai Chang Caine? Impossible." His voice bubbled with glee. "I have already turned the hearts of those here. You are too late to save them. I can destroy you where you stand, with less than a thought, while you cannot touch me; I can melt away only to return another time, another place."

"You will find it is not so easy to extinguish my light," Caine declared, advancing step by step down the aisle. Dief walked alongside him, claws faintly clicking on the concrete floor, and the others trailed behind.

Bon Bon Hai scowled, the wind increasing to a whirling frenzy. Lights shattered. Caine flinched but did not falter under the fierce assault. Soon he was within a few feet of the stage upon which his enemy perched. "I defeated your evil master, " Caine said, voice raised to carry above the howling wind. "I will defeat you as well."

"Never!" Bon Bon Hai hissed. He retreated, allowing the wind to cease as he poured his energy into escaping. "Wherever there is evil tainting a single soul, there can I travel. Not even the light of every candle can chase away all shadows, for they will ever wait to pounce when the candles die." Smoke began to emanate from the book in his arms.

The sleek, black muzzle of a gun materialized at his temple. "Not this time, you don't," Kermit breathed in his ear. The ex-mercenary had entered so stealthily that Peter hadn't spotted him. "I see so much as a spark from any of these lights and it'll be able to shine right through the hole in your head." He reached out with the hand not holding the gun and plucked the book out of Bon Bon Hai's grasp, then pushed the pawn of the Dark Warrior forward.

"You have not beaten me," Bon Bon Hai shouted, hoarse with fury. "Everyone in this audience will do my bidding."

Caine shook his head. "They did not follow you willingly. Once your power is broken, they will return to themselves." He took Ray's left hand with his right.

Peter got the message and formed a link between Ray and Kermit, who reluctantly tucked away his gun. Fraser took Kermit's other hand and then both he and Caine put their hands on Dief's head, completing the circle around their enemy.

"No!" Bon Bon Hai screeched, falling to his knees.

"Evil cannot prevail against the forces of good, which, unified, are a power greater than any of the individual parts," the Shaolin intoned.

Bon Bon Hai covered his ears, but he could not block out the ring of truth. He collapsed, writhing, upon the floor.

"Hatred will never overcome those who hold love in their hearts," Caine continued, his words striking blows more sure than any he could have landed using kung fu, "for in the end it will consume itself, leaving nothing behind."

Bon Bon Hai gave one final shriek of defiance and fell silent, sinking into unconsciousness.

The stillness held for a moment, the entire room at perfect peace. Then the members of the community began to awaken from their trance and Peter broke the circle to snap cuffs on their now-powerless opponent.

Ray looked around and cleared his throat. "So...anyone up for a home-cooked Italian meal?"

End Part 9

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