Delightful Deliveries (NatPackers)

by Lane Lombardia, with input from Jennie Hayes, Kira Chistiakoff, and Abby Albrecht

Time: 10am
Place: The University of Toronto

The last time that Lane had been to the University of Toronto, had been during the shooting of the special fan appreciation episode in War 4. His scenes had been brief, and frankly, he didn't have much idea of how the place was laid out. The scene had been filmed at 5am, a time when remembering his own name and how to breath at the same time taxed him to his limits (so he didn't bother remembering his own name until much later in the day).

This time he was much better prepared. In addition to full knowledge of his own identity, he carried a set of maps of the campus and city, and a Lensatic compass, in addition to the half dozen soft-pink roses, the card with the exquisite calligraphy, the bright Yellow flyer detailing the prices and stressing the extreem speed of delivery which RDM offered, and 2 packages of rare Dutch chocolate (he was told that it was Dutch; but, as he couldn't actually read whatever language the label was written in, he had to take it on faith).

The roses and chocolate were intended as advertising to respective factions that RDM was open for business. As a consequence, Lane was sans anything that even he would regard as a weapon (not even a pen or a belt), since he wanted to make as positive an impression as possible. Still, he had to find the lab that scuttlebutt said was where he could find Jennie Hayes during the day.

Suddenly, the slightly nauseating odor of aromatic hydrocarbons wafted past his nostrils as someone opened a building door near the chemistry labs. Fighting off flashbacks of his college chemistry classes, Lane turned toward the source of the malodorous essence.

Grimacing (many of the lighter hydrocarbons made him sick to his stomach) Lane opened the door, and, as politely as he could stand, began to enquire with the people inside, trying to narrow his search.

Blood draining out of his face, looking just a little green (dark olive skin will do that to you), he found her, the leader of the Natpack, clad in lots of protective gear (lab coat, safety glasses, respirator, and smurf-blue gloves).

While Lane did his best to center himself, he knew that it's pretty bloody hard to breath deep and center yourself when each breath taunts you to lose your lunch. Still, he was a Merc, and a professional, and there was no way that he was going to blow this for his beloved Guild (besides, Dianne would beat the tar out of him with that big pointy stick she had taken to carrying).

"Excuse me...ummm...excuse me?" Lane enquired, not really sure that he even had a person of the right gender under all that protective gear, let alone the right person.

"Excuse me..." he tried again.

The aromatics were really taking their toll, and he was running out of time.

"EXCUSE ME!" Smiling his sweetest "who, me?" smile, Lane continued in a normal speaking voice, "Are you Ms. Jennifer Hayes?"

The protective equipment-clad figure looked up, the eyes looked like she might have been smiling, possibly.... "What?" she asked through the respirator that Lane was coveting desperately now.

Smiling his warmest, friendliest smile, Lane contined, "Are you Ms. Jennifer Hayes? I'm from RDM Chocolates, and these are for you," holding up the roses and chocolate.

With the huge, smurf-blue protective gloves, she reached up and removed the respirator, nose wrinkling under the unpleasant scent of her own lab. "Yes, that's me," she responded. "You're not the usual kind of vendor I get in here! It's a refreshing change of pace!"

"Where can I put these? I don't want them to get in the way of your work." He was on his best, smiling with a smile that could bring peace to the Middle East.

"Yes, it would be a shame to waste all those lovely chocolates with lab contamination," she indicated a vacant side table and lead him over, "Here."

As he put the gift items on the table, Lane smoothly presented the Yellow flyers detailing the prices and stressing the extreem speed of delivery which RDM offered, and the delivery acknowledgement sheet, which Jennie signed, with her own pen.

Smiling even more warmly (if that was possible) Lane bid her a grand day and departed.

[War Stories]