Change of Command
by Jennie Hayes

Jennie hung up the phone excitedly. "OK, I just talked to LJC. She's not happy about the season pilot script putting Janette in jail like that, so she's willing to make a deal. If we allow her to rewrite that part of the script, she'll put us in contact with some people who can give us pointers on directing. On top of that, she's got friends in the production of the movie Sandman who are looking for a good director. She thinks they can spirit Mr. L. away without doing him any serious harm. They'll keep him busy in LA with preliminary meetings for the production. And then, while all is in confusion, in step Valerie and myself. I get to be second unit director! If we act official enough and get the right people in the production office to smooth our way in, we're home free. LJC's working on those contacts now."

"This isn't gonna work. They're going to know," Amy fretted, "and then we're in trouble!"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. Anyhow, LJC is sending someone up who should be able to help us a bit, to be another assistant director. She's got stage experience, and she's willing to help us look good, here. With her input and Valerie's background, maybe we can pull it off. Assuming things stay confused enough... That's your job."


"I'm beginning to think it was a good thing that we packed everything under the sun coming up here!" Di giggled. "We're gonna wind up using it!"

"OK, does everyone know their parts?" Valerie asked. "Here we go; the limo's arrived."

"See ya later! I'll probably get to the set at about three!" Betsy yelled from the other room.

"Bye!" They all chorused.

They trooped out the front door of Don's apartment building and down to the waiting car en masse. They presented a very different sight than the relaxed, comfortable bunch who had visited the Coroner's office and thrown the huge birthday party. Everyone wore smart business clothes now and was trying on a business attitude. This didn't last long, however.

"I get to ride backwards!" Jennie crowed.

Amy shuddered. "How can you do that without getting carsick?"

"I dunno, I just don't. I'm glad you're being the actual director, Valerie; you've got a much better idea what to do with the part than I would. I'd be just realizing that I haven't a clue what to do now!" Jennie was beginning to chatter a bit fast, and Amy wondered if that was nervousness or the fact that she'd been on the phone with LJC so much lately.

Valerie just shrugged and commented philosophically, "The worst that can happen is they realize who we are and kick us out. At least we'll have tried!"

"Hey, Sharon?" Pod leaned forward and peered at what Sharon was doing. "What are you doing with that?"

Everyone looked at Sharon. She was systematically tearing an empty Styrofoam cup to shreds and putting the pieces inside it. She shrugged.

"Bad habit, I guess."


The takeover went remarkably smoothly. LJC had done her work well, and nobody on the set questioned the new "director." Apparently "Mr. L." had left rather quickly once the deal from LA was firm, although Jennie was starting to wonder if the "deal" had been a bit "firmer" than she'd intended. No, she didn't want to think about that possibility. All she knew was that the Ravenette had an awful lot of connections. Each of the Natpackers took over a position within the production staff, most of which were "temporary augmentations to aid in dealing with all the fans present." It worked beautifully; by the end of the first night they had several of the basic script changes they'd wanted in place and had worked out a tentative filming schedule.

"Ooh, it's about time to call it quits for the night," Jennie yawned, stretching lazily, then she stopped and looked around the office. And counted heads. "Wait, did Betsy ever make it here?"

"I haven't seen her all day," Elaine replied, "do you think she got lost?"

"I hope she didn't get into any trouble. There are Cousins about, you know," Pod put in.

"Oh, she probably had trouble getting in or something, or couldn't find this place, and went back to Don's. We've had all of the phone lines busy most of the day, after all!" Valerie noted.

The rest of the pack looked a little guilty as they packed it in for the night.


Later that night (morning, actually,) at Don's, they were rather upset to find that Betsy hadn't been seen since she'd left, right on time, that afternoon.

"Hmm... Maybe we should call the police..." Amy suggested, picking up the phone. "She's been gone too long, and this is a strange city."

"Perhaps she called Nat, check with her first," Selma suggested.

"Oh, yeah, good idea," Amy said, dialing the numbers.


"Yes, it's a gray Escort, and it's got one of those little yellow signs in the back window. I think it says something like, 'Who's on Board,'" Amy said into the phone. "Yes. I think she said it made it easier to find her car. No, none of us know the license plate, but it's probably a Michigan one. We're just worried, we don't know anything's happened. She could be lost, or she could have run into a friend or something. Yes. OK, thanks!" She hung up.

"Nat is going to pass the information on to Nick. He can get the officers to keep an eye out for her. If she's still missing tomorrow night, we should call the station directly." She sighed.

"OK, lets get some rest." Sharon suggested.


The following day, Sharon looked up from her lunch, just in time to catch the traffic report on the TV.

"Hey! Look!" she yelled, startling everyone in the room.

"What? You live in New York and you've never seen traffic like that before?" Pod jibed. "Oh, wait, you're not used to it moving that fast, are you?"

"No! Look in the center of the screen! Isn't that Betsy's car?"

"Oh, you're right!" Amy started to say, as the scene flickered out to be replaced with the reporter's face. "It did look like hers, I thought I saw blue Michigan plates, and I know I saw the yellow thing in the back window! Let's call the station and find out where that was!" she grabbed phone and phone book.


"Yes, OK, thank you anyhow. Good-bye." Amy hung up the phone, a dejected look on her face.

"They traced down the footage, but it was taken at 7:00 this morning. She could be anywhere in the city by now," she reported.

Jennie sighed and looked out the window. "I suppose we should call and tell Nick," she said wearily.

A Car's Cameo
by Amparo Bertram

Amparo finished up her last scene for the time being and took a much-needed break. She hadn't realized acting could be such tedious work, and all she had to do was stay in the background and guard prisoners. She didn't even want to imagine how tired the main characters must be.

Speaking of whom, she had seen on the shooting schedule that they would be filming a Caddy scene not too far away. She hadn't had a chance to see The Car in action yet, and she certainly didn't want to miss it.

She quickly found the specified location and stood out of the way, observing. She hoped costuming wouldn't mind that she was still wearing her uniform, but she loved feeling like such a part of everything. Besides--she glanced down and brushed at an invisible speck of dust--it looked rather flattering on her, if she did say so herself.

"You! Come stand over here."

She looked up to see the director pointing at her. "Who, me? I'm not in this scene."

"You are now. I've decided I want a cop walking by in the background, and you're already in costume. I don't have all night."

"Sure. Whatever you say." She listened carefully to his instructions. All she had to do was stroll down the sidewalk, projecting an image of vigilance. Nothing to it.

She heard "Action!" and began her walk, taking in the details of her surroundings like a good policewoman. Suddenly she caught sight of a familiar dark gray Escort driving around a corner and disappearing. Wasn't that--? No, it couldn't be! Could it? She had certainly spent enough time in Betsy's car, she should recognize it.

It was too late to do anything about it now, the car was long gone.

<Of course, it may have been captured on tape,> she thought, eyeing the cameras surreptitiously in the guise of checking for crime. She nearly grinned at the idea of Betsy being in the shot, despite getting lost.

Deus ex Machina: The Leader of the Pack
by Tuppence
transcribed by Diane Echelbarger

Tuppence slipped into the costume shop through the window again, and prowled around the space, looking for more clues to how she could assist the Fanged One. As she stalked past a rack of costumes, a familiar scent caught her nose, and she hissed. That one! That Jennie, that was always luring her pet, Diane, away for hours, sometimes days--Her ears flattened to her skull, and she approached the hanging rack carefully.

A moment later, she had identified the garment to which the hateful scent clung. It was a long, dark-green trench coat. She hissed again, then remembered something from one of the few times her human had convinced the Jennie-human to enter Tuppence's home. The Jennie-human was allergic to cats! And she was one of the ones the Fanged One disliked. So, he would want her to make the Jennie-human unhappy--

Her hiss became a thoughtful rumble as she reared up and snagged the coat with both front claws. She leaned her weight on it, and the garment slid free of the hanger and landed in a heap on the ground.

She burrowed into it, until she was completely wrapped in the plaid flannel lining. Now, she needed only to shed... Yes, to shed, that was the difficult part. She was impeccably groomed, as always, and did not have a great many loose hairs to lose. Now how...

Her head came up, suddenly, and she gave a little "yow" as inspiration struck. Of course! It was so simple!

Tuppence crouched lower, closed her eyes, and thought, intently, of... The **VET.**

In less than a minute, a thick cloud of sleek, gray hair was released inside the coat. She rolled around a few times, to be sure all the coat was well covered, then left the costume shop, purring in satisfaction. Nothing like catching two birds with one pounce to put her in a good mood--and the Candice-human would be here soon, with breakfast...


Some time later, on the set...

"achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO!" Jennie sneezed. She itched, and her nose was clogging. "Hey," she sniffled, "I tought du said dere weren't ady adimals on de sed?"

"There aren't," Valery replied. "I checked."

"My dose says dere are," Jennie snuffled. "Where's by Benadryl?" She pulled off her coat and walked over to her purse. As she tossed the coat on her personally-monogrammed cast chair (Mr. P. had had one made for every FKFIC-Ler who had worked on the show), she noticed something on the plaid lining. A cat hair. And another... And another... Dozens of short gray hairs...

"Ay!" she cried through her completely-blocked nose. "By goat is govered bit gat air!" She grabbed the Benadryl from her purse in one hand and began brushing her clothes off with the other. "I deed a shower. I'll be bag zood..."

"But, Jennie!" Valery called. "You're scene's next! Jennie! Jennie!"

Her only answer was another explosive series of sneezes.

The Premiere
by Jennise Hall and Karin Welss



SHARON SCOTT follows MARGARET NEWMAN up the hall. She smiles patiently at Margaret's excited burbling.

Do you think he remembered me from last year?
Yes, Margaret.
He wore the T-shirt I gave him.
He always wears the T-shirts you give him. You have good taste. Now, hush up. We've got to get some sleep.

Margaret opens the room door, stops dead in her tracks her mouth gaping open.

Margaret, what is it, girl?

Margaret begins to scream.


Sharon and Margaret huddle against one wall. SUSAN GARRETT has her arms around Margaret, comforting her.

NICK KNIGHT caresses Sharon's cheek. She steps into his arms crying on his shoulder.

Are you okay?
(she shakes her head "no")
Why would someone do that?
And why in our room?

Nick continues to stroke Sharon's hair comfortingly.

I don't believe we've met.
I'm Susan Garrett. This is Margaret Newman. We're here for a writer's conference.
Did anything unusual happen tonight?
You mean other than the dead body?

BY THE BED NATALIE LAMBERT, hands gloved, bag beside her, ready to work, stares down at the sheet draped body, shell shocked. She jumps when CAPTAIN COHEN lightly touches her shoulder.

Are you okay, Natalie?
Why? Uh. Yes, Captain. I'm fine.

She leans down and lifts the sheet. Cohen studies her a moment, decides that she's telling the truth and moves over to SCHANKE.

SCHANKE stares at the body. He's barely in control of his emotions. He notices Cohen heading his way, forces his attention to an open suitcase and pretends to take notes.

Cohen joins him, peers into the suit case and gingerly lifts a pink fur-trimmed teddy. She glances over at the women.

SHARON glances up embarrassedly at Nick and hastily steps back from him. She opens her mouth to say something then changes her mind.

That's Sharon's.

COHEN drops the teddy and turns to Schanke.

I know this one is difficult. I need professional detachment. Can you handle that?
I just wanna get my hands on whoever did this.
We all do. Just make sure you play by the rules.

In the background, Nick heads over to Natalie.


(she takes a big breath)
His throat was slashed, but there's not as much blood as you'd expect. He could have been killed somewhere else or ...
Or what?
I'm not sure yet. His throat is so ripped up that I can't tell if it was one of you guys.
I can't believe it. I can't believe something like this would happen to him. Not him.

She lifts an evidence bag containing: A BLACK VELVET CHOKER.


Susan's mouth drops open.

That's Janette's.


Nick stares at the contents of the evidence bag.

Recognize this?

Natalie holds up the evidence bag. Schanke, Cohen and the ladies gather around the bed.

What the hell was Cap'n Stonetree doing with Janet's necklace?


Captain Joseph Stonetree lying face down across the bed partially clad in a black negligee.


The opening credits run.

He was brought across in 1228.
Preyed on humans for their blood.
Now he wants to be mortal again.
To repay society for his sins.
To emerge from his world of darkness,
From his endless Forever Night.



The normally chaotic room seems just a bit more sedate than usual.

We've got nothing.
We've got something. We just don't like it.
Do you think it'll be difficult to keep...uh... how he was found out of the papers.
No one here is going to talkabout it. Stonetree was one of the good guys.

Cohen sticks her head out of her office. She pauses a moment. Closes her office door and heads for their desks.

Knight. Schanke. My office.

As they rise.

Internal Affairs is involved.
(under his breath)
I'm not surprised.


Cohen heads behind her desk. She gestures towards a corner. Nick's eyes go wide for just a second. He regains his composure as she says...

Gentlemen, Lucas Cross. Internal Affairs. Captain Cross. Detective Knight. Detective Schanke.
It is a shame to meet under these circumstances. Captain, we have a potential time bomb on our hands here.
How so?
Your lead detectives on this case not only reported to the victim, but an acquaintance of theirs has been implicated.

Startled, Cohen stares at the detectives.

You can understand why my office would be concerned?
Are you accusing us of killing the Captain!?
If that were so you'd be off the case. However, I do expect your full cooperation or things may change.


Schanke walks a few paces ahead of Nick and LaCroix. They walk toward Nick's Caddy.

Can you believe someone could turn a profit selling negligees for MEN!!
What the hell are you up to, LaCroix?
Darkangel's Dangerous Liasions Boutique. Geez what a name.
Why Nicholas, more than one kind of internal affair is being investigated here.

They reach the car. Schanke leans the front seat forward and stands aside for LaCroix.

LaCroix stares at him a moment, glances at an amused Nick, then climbs into the back seat.

Nick turns the key and looks to Schanke.

Where to?
Haven't you been listening, Knight? Darkangel's. On Yonge. They might have something in your size.

LaCroix chuckles, low as Nick peels away from the curb.

Lurker (3)
by Maddog

Rastro and Maddog exited from the Tesseract. It had been a long day of lurking for both of them but they had one more item on their non-list of non-things that they could not do. Dr. Natalie Lambert's apartment was lit from the sunlight streaming in the windows. There was no one about except Sidney, who ignored them because they weren't food.

"I think she'll like the Mocha Raspberry Cheesecake," Maddog said as she looked around the apartment, noting the cat hair laden bookshelves. Wondering if Natalie would notice a book or two missing.

"Probably, I mean, we ate an entire one by ourselves last Saturday and it normally takes us two days to polish one off. Do you think she'll like the hat?" Rastro held up a ten gallon white Stetson. She'd wanted to keep it herself but decided a black one would be more fitting.

"Sure she will, it is the proper kind of hat to eat cheesecake by," Maddog grabbed the hat and put it on her head. "Cheesecake, I've got you in my sights. Surrender now or be eaten!"

"Your calories or your life?" Rastro suggested.

"These here jeans aren't big enough for the both of us, cheesecake."

"Stop me, Marshall, before I overeat again."

"I got it," Maddog grabbed the cheesecake and held an imaginary gun to it. "Cheesecake, one more move and you're on my hips forever!"

The two Lurkers began giggling uncontrollably. Then, one of those events that often happens when the probability fields are never in your favor occurred. The cheesecake jiggled itself out of Maddog's hands onto Natalie's carpet.

"Uh, oh," said Rastro.

"Uh, oh," said Maddog.

"Meow," said Sidney as he started helping himself to the mess of tasty dairy product on the floor.

"What are we going to do?" Maddog asked, carefully putting the Stetson down on the table near the fallen cheesecake. "Won't the cat get sick from eating all that?"

"Yeah, he'll probably barf all over everything," Rastro shook her head judiciously, after all, didn't she have barf cats as well as fart cats.

"Think we'd better go lurk elsewhere before he does," Maddog suggested as Rastro activated the Tesseract and the two Lurkers found themselves elsewhere.


[NatPack War4 Stories]