I'll Be with You

Part Three

Mulder instantly sprang into a defensive crouch, reflexes from multiple occasions on which the unexpected attacked without warning kicking in to protect him from...

Absolutely nothing.

He scanned his surroundings. The girl had vanished. So had the other children. As well as the lilacs, the tiger lilies, and the daffodils. Not to mention the fence, the driveway, the entire farmhouse, and all the outbuildings. In fact, he found himself in a peaceful glade that, much as he hated to admit it, pretty much defined the word sylvan.

Upon reflection, he decided that the farmhouse and the rest were probably still where they belonged, and that he was the one out of place. It wasn't much of a consolation. He also came to the conclusion that he was glad Scully hadn't come; she wouldn't have appreciated being dragged to an alternate dimension.

He relaxed his precautionary stance. Wherever he was, he didn't appear to be in any immediate danger. Trees nodded peacefully in the light breeze, birds chirped happily from unseen perches, music spiraled around him--

Without any advance warning, he whirled and made a grab for the source of the music. He latched onto a slender arm that turned out to be connected to a more mature version of the little girl he had met in the fairy ring. In this case, twenty years more mature. Her hair now trailed down to her waist and her ragged clothes had been exchanged for a seductive, diaphanous gown, but there was no doubt he faced the same person. She had the same large, green eyes, eyes that gazed out beyond his world.

She ceased her playing, unable to make music while he gripped her arm. Instead she lowered her pipe and smiled, her dimple appearing. "At last," she breathed. "You have come to join me! I have awaited you a long time, my love."

"I knew I shouldn't have let Frohike talk me into trying that computer dating service," he muttered, releasing his hold on her. "Look, I don't know who you are, but I'd like an explanation, and then I want you to return me to the Parks' farm. Considering the bizarre nature of this encounter, I'll waive the kidnapping charges."

"Ah ah ah!" She wagged an admonishing finger at him. "That's not the way the game is played, Fox. You should know the rules. Three questions for three answers."

"It's Mulder. And what if I don't want to play any games?"

"But Fox is so much more...appropriate." She piped a short sequence of notes and a small, red animal, his namesake, scampered out from behind a tree and sat by her ankle. It watched him, jaws parted in an unsettling grin. "As for the game," she continued, "anyone who breaks the rules must face the wrath of the Queen." She shuddered, a tremor passing through her entire body. "I would not wish such a thing to happen to you, my dear mortal."

Mulder sighed. He might as well follow the guidelines she set, at least for the time being. She seemed cooperative enough, within boundaries. "Okay, first question. Where am I?"

"You are in the land of Faerie, of course!" She pirouetted, throwing her arms out to encompass the entire region. "Is it not lovely?"

"Yes, it is," he admitted. Then he added, "That was your first question."

She looked startled, then burst out in peals of delighted laughter. "You are a crafty one, Fox. I knew I chose correctly. Very well, ask your next."

"Who are you?"

She dropped into a graceful curtsy. "Dandy, at your service. Younger cousin to the Queen. Low enough rank in the eyes of the court, but high enough that my minor...eccentricities...are overlooked." She smiled sweetly at his raised eyebrows. "My fondness of mortals, for instance. Now for my real question." Her eyes sparkled gaily. "Have you a woman? I see no wedding band, but appearances can oft be deceiving. I must warn you, I can be extremely jealous."

"No, I'm not married." It was definitely a good thing Scully hadn't joined him. There was no telling what this creature in human guise might do if she even suspected them of being romantically involved. Not that he was entirely certain her claims were true, but until he could disprove them he should stay on the safe side. "For my third and final question, I want to know why you brought me here."

"It ought to be obvious, my love. You shall live here with me, in paradise, forever."

End Part 3

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© 1995 Amparo Bertram