Wrestle You for It

A Card Captor Sakura scene

by Amparo Bertram
inspired by Kurama no Miko

Touya faced his best friend, his expression grim. He would never have imagined that the dispute would go this far, but some conflicts simply couldn't be resolved through words alone.

He knew his height and strength gave him a distinct advantage over most of his classmates, but this was a special case. Yukito was no ordinary opponent. Though the slender boy appeared delicate and fragile, he possessed speed, agility, and reflexes that were the envy of many of their high school's athletes.

Touya had never before matched his physical talents against those of his friend. Now, however, the confrontation was inevitable. "Are you ready, Yuki?"

"I am," the smaller boy replied, his pleasant smile unwavering.

The dark-haired youth began pulling off his shirt in preparation. His pants went next, revealing legs well muscled from extensive soccer practice. Soon both young men had stripped to their school swimming trunks.

"I won't go easy on you," Touya warned.

Yukito removed his glasses, folded them, and placed them on his pile of clothing. "I don't expect you to."

They regarded each other steadily for another moment, then as one they entered the filled tank.

It was nothing like being in water, as Touya had halfway anticipated. The bright red, sticky gel impeded his movements more than any liquid would. He refused to let it slow him, though, and he forged through in the direction of his adversary. The two met in the middle, each immediately grasping for handholds on the other's body. The strange medium made the task difficult, causing their skin to become slick. Nevertheless they persevered, grappling with focused intent.

The taller boy lost his purchase briefly on the floor of the tank, dunking his head under the surface. He managed to twist aside in time to avoid Yukito's swift lunge and rose for air, swiping the gel from his face so it wouldn't obscure his vision. It left behind the tang of strawberry on his lips.

Once more he flung himself into the struggle for dominance. Limbs slid against one another, arms and legs intertwining in a primal dance. Touya's eyes smoldered with the intensity of his determination as he used his greater reach to bind his friend in a tight embrace. "Had enough?" he asked, his breathing heavy from the exertion.

His opponent beamed at him and then, slippery as a fish, wriggled free with a delighted laugh.

The contest continued for several minutes longer until, at last, a distraction allowed one of them to gain the upper hand. Yukito's stomach grumbled in protest at being surrounded by something edible yet not being given its fill. Touya started, surprised at the sound, and his adversary succeeded in pinning him out of desperation.

"Do you yield?"

The dark-haired boy nodded, resigned.

"Thank you." Yukito leaned toward him, eyes half closed, and slowly licked his neck, savoring the taste. "I'm starving."

Why should so much perfectly good Jell-O go to waste?

The End

[Short Scenes]
© 1999 Amparo Bertram