Purple Heaven Guidelines

  1. All stories that appear in this publication are works of fiction. The names may resemble those of real people, but the content of the stories is purely the product of the authors' imagination and should not be considered to have any basis in reality.

  2. Certain garrison members and support staff must not appear as romantic interests under any circumstances, out of respect for their positions of importance (and for the safety of the authors). This list consists of:
    1. Captain Ishikawa
    2. Doctor Hashizume
    3. Head Chef Kishitani

  3. To avoid confusion between fact and fiction, publicly acknowledged, committed relationships should not be the focus of any stories. At present, this means the relationships of the following couples may not be featured as the main plot:
    1. Head Chef Kishitani and Ikegami Jun
    2. Sakaguchi Koushirou and Makiyama Satomu

  4. This project is in the spirit of fun and affection. It should not be used as a venue for venting anger or grievances against fellow garrison members.

Stories that do not comply with these guidelines will not be published in Purple Heaven.