The purpose of this project is to utilize all of the knowledge and material that was taught in the class and present it in a simulation to demonstrate our understanding of the material.

This project focuses on the effects of diffusion on a surface groove in a nanoparticle, which is simulated using finite element based on the numerical derivations from the paper, A Finite Element Method for Simulating Interface Motion--I. Migration of Phase and Grain Boundaries by Sun and Suo. The project also looks at how the depth of the groove affects the diffusion process and shape development.


Team Members:



Tom Reeve is currently a first year graduate student of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan College of Engineering. He is presently focusing on MEMS. Tom obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California - Berkeley. He is from San Diego, California.




Boyang Tang is a third year undergraduate Mechanical Engineering student at University of Michigan College of Engineering. After moving to the US, he spent most of his life in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Boyang is still debating whether if he should attend graduate school; and if he does, if he wishes to apply to another prestigious school other than Michigan. As of why he took this class and suffered through graduate material, he has no idea.